9.28 Family Experience Resources

Lead the way - Week 4

In the jungle, every day is an unpredictable adventure! But to safely navigate the vines, animals, and tricky terrain, we’ll need a guide to help lead us. This four-week series follows the life of Moses and his journey to leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Through his story, our families discover how God teaches us how to lead, and learn how to follow God’s lead as God leads us to safety, and to what we need.

BIG IDEA: God will lead us to what we need.

BIBLE: Exodus 15:22–25, 16:1–16; Isaiah 41:17–20


Elementary:   "Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths." Psalm 25:4 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God, teach me to follow you!" Psalm 25:4


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video 

SONG: Trust in the Lord and I have Decided to Follow Jesus


Hide pretend food (scrapes of colored paper) around your house. Have your kids find and collect the food. If you want to play again, rotate family members hiding the food while the rest search and find. Challenge your kids by using a timer or make it a race to see who can collect the most food.


Say, great job, explorers! You collected enough "food" to feed some grumpy monkeys out in the jungle who were getting very hungry. What sound do happy monkeys make? 


God’s people were grumpy because they needed food. But they didn’t have to look far — they just had to look to God. God gave them enough food for every day and God will lead us to what we need, too!


Pray: God, thank you for leading the way. You give us everything we need and more, so we can always trust in you. Amen.


Parent Devotional

9.21 Family Experience Resources

Lead the way - Week 3

In the jungle, every day is an unpredictable adventure! But to safely navigate the vines, animals, and tricky terrain, we’ll need a guide to help lead us. This four-week series follows the life of Moses and his journey to leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Through his story, our families discover how God teaches us how to lead, and learn how to follow God’s lead as God leads us to safety, and to what we need.

BIG IDEA: God leads us to safety.

BIBLE: Exodus 13:17–15:21; Psalm 91


Elementary:   "Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths." Psalm 25:4 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God, teach me to follow you!" Psalm 25:4


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Trust in the Lord and I have Decided to Follow Jesus


Read or paraphrase Exodus 13:17-15:21. 

Next, lay blue construction paper over a large portion of a room in your house. Place brown pillow cushions or construction paper one step away from each other. Your family will need to step and jump only on the brown steps and not in the water to get to safety. The game is complete when all family members have crossed to the other side.

Say: .Let’s pretend we are stuck in the middle of the jungle and have come across a pretty big cliff with water under it. We need to get to the other side, and this is the only way to safety.


In our story today, God’s people were stuck in a scary situation. Pharaoh’s army was chasing them from the back, and there was the huge Red Sea in the front. But God made a way through the water to keep the people safe.God leads us to safety.


Pray: God, thank you for leading the way. When we are scared or lost, you always lead us to safety. Amen


Parent Devotional

9.14 Family Experience Resources

Lead the way - Week 2

In the jungle, every day is an unpredictable adventure! But to safely navigate the vines, animals, and tricky terrain, we’ll need a guide to help lead us. This four-week series follows the life of Moses and his journey to leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Through his story, our families discover how God teaches us how to lead, and learn how to follow God’s lead as God leads us to safety, and to what we need.

BIG IDEA: We follow God’s lead.

BIBLE: Exodus 7:14–10:29, 12:1–14; 1 Peter 1:13–21


Elementary:   "Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths." Psalm 25:4 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God, teach me to follow you!" Psalm 25:4



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Trust in the Lord and I have Decided to Follow Jesus



Read or paraphrase Exodus 7:14-10:29, 12:1-14 


Print or project the images from the printable. For each image, have your family yell out “plague” if it’s one of the ten plagues from the Bible story or “fake” if it’s not. Help your kids keep guessing and give hints if needed until all ten plagues have been guessed. 


Pharaoh didn’t want to let God’s people go. Each time Pharaoh said no, a terrible plague came upon the land. Which of these is one of the plagues we learned about? Pharaoh didn’t follow God’s lead, but God’s people did, so they were safe from the plagues. We follow God’s lead.


Pray: God, thank you for leading the way. Help us to follow your lead no matter what comes our way. Amen.


Parent Devotional

9.7 Family Experience Resources

Lead the way - Week 1

In the jungle, every day is an unpredictable adventure! But to safely navigate the vines, animals, and tricky terrain, we’ll need a guide to help lead us. This four-week series follows the life of Moses and his journey to leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Through his story, our families discover how God teaches us how to lead, and learn how to follow God’s lead as God leads us to safety, and to what we need.

BIG IDEA: God teaches us how to lead.

BIBLE: Exodus 2–3:15; Romans 12:9–21



Elementary:   "Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths." Psalm 25:4 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God, teach me to follow you!" Psalm 25:4



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Trust in the Lord and I have Decided to Follow Jesus



Read or paraphrase Exodus 2-3:15.

In this activity, your families will call each other’s names to lead them out of the “ jungle.” You can use a play tunnel or tape together a few cardboard boxes make one yourself. Have one family member enter the tunnel at a time, wearing a blindfold. Have a one family member call the name of another from the opposite end of the tunnel to help them find their way out. For more fun, play the song, “Thank You Lord for Making Me,” and act out the jungle animal sounds and movements with your family as you sing together. 


God called Moses to lead his people to be free and safe. Moses didn’t think he could be a good leader, but God told him it was okay — God would show him how to do it. God teaches us how to lead.


Pray: Dear God, thank you for leading the way. Please teach us how to lead our friends and family to you. Amen. 


Parent Devotional

8.31 Family Experience Resources

Recess - Week 5

For a lot of us, recess is one of our favorite parts of our kids school day. Our kiddos get to play dodgeball, hopscotch, or race friends around the play area. Recess helps our kids to stay active so they can grow strong, but it also gives them a chance to grow in their relationships. In this five-week series, our families will discover through the stories in the books of Judges, Ruth, and 1 Samuel the unexpected ways God can help them grow. As they do, they’ll learn how God helps us grow stronger, helps us belong, answers our prayers, tells us what is true, and can use anything we give.

BIG IDEA: God can use anything I give.

BIBLE: 1 Samuel 9–10:1; 2 Corinthians 8:7–15


Elementary: "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God." 1 John 3:1A (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "We are part of God's loving family." 1 John 3:1



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG:  Friend of God, and In You Alone



It’s time to slow down and think about everything we talked about today.

Let’s practice taking in some deep breaths as we focus on the word “give.”

Let’s breathe as we say the Big Idea.

Breathe in — God

Breathe out — can

Breathe in — use

Breathe out — anything

Breathe in — I

Breathe out — give.

Now say all the words that come to mind when you hear the word “give.”

Why do you think God wants us to give?

Should we only give when there’s something in it for us? How come?

If we could build a playground that wasn’t just for play but was a place where giving happened, what would it look like?

(This activity might have been imaginary but the use of your gifts to help others is not). What are some gifts you have that you can give to God?

How do you think God can use it? 

Because you know God will use it . .. God can use anything I give!
Pray: Dear God, thank you for freely giving us the best gift ever — Jesus. Help us to open our hands and to give the gifts you’ve given us willingly to those around us because you can use anything we give. We love you. Amen.


Parent Devotion

8.24 Family Experience Resources

Recess - Week 4

For a lot of us, recess is one of our favorite parts of our kids school day. Our kiddos get to play dodgeball, hopscotch, or race friends around the play area. Recess helps our kids to stay active so they can grow strong, but it also gives them a chance to grow in their relationships. In this five-week series, our families will discover through the stories in the books of Judges, Ruth, and 1 Samuel the unexpected ways God can help them grow. As they do, they’ll learn how God helps us grow stronger, helps us belong, answers our prayers, tells us what is true, and can use anything we give.

BIG IDEA: God tells me what is true.

BIBLE: 1 Samuel 3:1–20; Job 38:1–11


Elementary: "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!"  1 John 3:1A (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "We are part of God's loving family!" 1 John 3:1



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG:  Friend of God, and In You Alone



It’s time to slow down and think about everything we talked about today. Researchers say the average person has 6,200 thoughts per day! That’s a lot! We get thoughts from friends, movies or shows, books we’ve read, social media, family . . . everywhere.

If we’re not careful, we can believe that all the thoughts that pop into our heads are true. They might help us understand what we’re feeling, but God helps us know what’s true when we are confused, worried, or unsure.

Let’s practice taking in some deep breaths as we focus on the word “true.”

Samuel wasn’t sure where the voice was coming from in the middle of the night at first. Once he learned it was God, he listened to what God had to say. It wasn’t happy news he received, but God gave him words to let him know what his job would be in the future.

Sometimes we can hurt people when we don’t tell them the truth. Even when we think we’re trying to protect them, when we lie or cover up the truth, it often does more damage than good. Even when the truth you need to speak is hard to say, you can find a way to deliver it in a kind way.

What are some examples of when you might have to tell someone something true from God? 

God tells me what is true, and that means I need to tell others what is true, too.
Pray: Dear God, in a world full of so much information, we are so thankful that you tell us what is true. Help us to hear your voice and choose the truth over what is harmful or wrong. Amen.


Parent Devotion


8.17 Family Experience Resources

Recess - Week 3

For a lot of us, recess is one of our favorite parts of our kids school day. Our kiddos get to play dodgeball, hopscotch, or race friends around the play area. Recess helps our kids to stay active so they can grow strong, but it also gives them a chance to grow in their relationships. In this five-week series, our families will discover through the stories in the books of Judges, Ruth, and 1 Samuel the unexpected ways God can help them grow. As they do, they’ll learn how God helps us grow stronger, helps us belong, answers our prayers, tells us what is true, and can use anything we give.

BIG IDEA: God answers my prayers.

BIBLE: 1 Samuel 1; Psalm 20


Elementary: "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!"  1 John 3:1A (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "We are part of God's loving family!" 1 John 3:1



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG:  Friend of God, and In You Alone



Let's get into “prayer mode” by slowing down our breathing and clearing our minds. Let’s practice taking in some deep breaths as we focus on the word “prayer.” Keeping your palms together like prayer hands, reach straight up and breathe in. Separate your hands and move your arms down to your side and breathe out. Let’s try this a few more times.

Now say all the words that come to mind when you hear the word “prayer.”

What are some things you pray for?

How does God answer our prayers? How can we respond when the answer is “no” or “not now?”

Today's Bible story is about how God hears our prayers. For some people, this is very easy to believe and understand. Maybe you have even experienced the joy of an answered prayer! For others, we may feel like our prayers are going nowhere, and we are growing tired of praying the same prayers. God hears and

answers your prayers.

Even when it doesn’t feel like much is happening on the surface, God is in your corner. God answers my prayers, and God answers yours, too!
Pray: Dear God, thank you that you answer our prayers. You hear us when we cry out to you, and even when the answer doesn’t come as fast as we’d like or it’s not the answer we expected, help us to trust that you give us what is best. Thank you for being with us, for remembering us, and for loving us. Amen.


Parent Devotion


8.10 Family Experience Resources

Recess - Week 2

For a lot of us, recess is one of our favorite parts of our kids school day. Our kiddos get to play dodgeball, hopscotch, or race friends around the play area. Recess helps our kids to stay active so they can grow strong, but it also gives them a chance to grow in their relationships. In this five-week series, our families will discover through the stories in the books of Judges, Ruth, and 1 Samuel the unexpected ways God can help them grow. As they do, they’ll learn how God helps us grow stronger, helps us belong, answers our prayers, tells us what is true, and can use anything we give.

BIG IDEA: God helps me belong.

BIBLE: Ruth 1; Mark 3:31–35


Elementary: "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!"  1 John 3:1A (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "We are part of God's loving family!" 1 John 3:1



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG:  Friend of God, and In You Alone



Whenever you feel any kind of anxiety or negative emotion, the first thing you can do is take deep breaths.

Let’s practice taking in some deep breaths as we focus on the word “belong.”

Now say all the words that come to mind when you hear the word “belong.”

What do you think it means to belong?

How does God help you belong?

Give each family member a puzzle piece. Look at your puzzle piece. Your piece might not match or fit with another person’s piece. In fact, there are only a few pieces that your piece really fits together with — and that’s okay. All the pieces are part of the same puzzle. Even when you don’t fit together, you belong together. Just like how we all belong in God’s family!

So when we say, “God helps me belong,” that means God welcomes you and loves you exactly as you are. God will surround you with people who will do their best to remind you of your belonging.

Ask: When a new “puzzle piece” shows up, what can you do to help them belong?
Pray: Dear God, thank you for helping me belong. Even when I feel alone in this world, I know I am never truly alone. I belong in your family, and I can welcome others to join in. Amen.


Parent Devotion


8.3 Family Experience Resources

Recess - Week 1

For a lot of us, recess is one of our favorite parts of our kids school day. Our kiddos get to play dodgeball, hopscotch, or race friends around the play area. Recess helps our kids to stay active so they can grow strong, but it also gives them a chance to grow in their relationships. In this five-week series, our families will discover through the stories in the books of Judges, Ruth, and 1 Samuel the unexpected ways God can help them grow. As they do, they’ll learn how God helps us grow stronger, helps us belong, answers our prayers, tells us what is true, and can use anything we give.

BIG IDEA: God helps me grow stronger.

BIBLE: Judges 6–7; 2 Corinthians 4:5–9


Elementary: "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!"  1 John 3:1A (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "We are part of God's loving family!" 1 John 3:1


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Friend of God, and In You Alone



All athletes know that breathing is important in sports — even playground sports. God designed us that way!

When God created the first human, Adam, God gave him the breath of life. When we breathe, our bodies take in oxygen, which our blood carries to all our muscles to keep everything inside our bodies moving. Breathing keeps us alive.

Practice taking in some deep breaths as we focus on the word “strength.”

Breathe in through your nose for five seconds — Hold it for five seconds — 

Breathe out through your mouth for ten seconds — Try this a few more times.

Now say all the words that come to mind when you hear the word “strength.”

What does it mean to be strong?

How does God help us grow stronger?

God helps us grow stronger but not if we just sit around doing nothing. When Gideon found out God would help him defeat the Midianites, he jumped to action.

Let’s make a family plan for how we can grow stronger with God’s help this week.

Pray: Dear God, thank you for helping us grow stronger. Help us to trust you, to obey you, and to grow in wisdom and strength every day. Your love makes us strong. Amen.


Parent Devotion


7.27 Family Experience Resources

Turn it Up - Week 4

What do you do when you hear your favorite song? Turn it up, of course! While we might love blasting our favorite music, we can also learn how to turn up God’s voice in our lives. In this four-week series, our families will follow some key moments in the life of David, the famous musician, poet, and king, and we’ll learn about some of the ways David trusted God during some difficult times in his life. Through each story, we’ll learn God is with us when we feel weak, God helps us overcome big things, God comforts us when we’re afraid, and God helps us live in harmony.

BIG IDEA: God, help us live in harmony.

BIBLE: 1 Samuel 24; Ephesians 3:14–21



Elementary: "Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make a music to our God on the harp." Psalm 147:7 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Sing praises to God!" Psalm 147:7



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: God is for Me and 10,000 Armies



Watch a video of two people singing in harmony on a music show. Check out this one from Korean game show I Can See Your Voice (start at 1:06).


Previously on this show, the guest musician and the audience had to choose if they thought the contestant could carry a tune. So imagine the shock when the contestant turned out to be a phenomenal singer! What's more, he was able to harmonize seamlessly with the guest musician! 

What did you like about the video?

What words would you describe how the two singers sounded when they sang together?

A lot of times, what gets in the way of harmony is when we are quick to judge other people. We make decisions and draw conclusions about people without really getting to know them or without giving them a fair chance. 

When would you find it difficult to be in harmony with somebody? 

Why is it better to get along and live in harmony? 

Pray: God, sometimes it is hard for me to love those around me, but with your help, I can live in harmony with others. Help me look past differences and disagreements and learn to make peace, like beautiful music to your ears. Amen.


Parent Devotional


7.20 Family Experience Resources

Turn it Up - Week 3

What do you do when you hear your favorite song? Turn it up, of course! While we might love blasting our favorite music, we can also learn how to turn up God’s voice in our lives. In this four-week series, our families will follow some key moments in the life of David, the famous musician, poet, and king, and we’ll learn about some of the ways David trusted God during some difficult times in his life. Through each story, we’ll learn God is with us when we feel weak, God helps us overcome big things, God comforts us when we’re afraid, and God helps us live in harmony.

BIG IDEA: God, you comfort me when I’m afraid.

BIBLE: 1 Samuel 16:14–23, 18:1–16; Psalm 23


Elementary: "Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make a music to our God on the harp." Psalm 147:7 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Sing praises to God!" Psalm 147:7



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: God is for Me and 10,000 Armies



Read Psalm 23

This is another psalm that David wrote and it might be the most famous one of them all. I think it is pretty cool that he wrote that God was his shepherd, especially since David knew personally what it was like to be a shepherd.

While Psalm 24 reminded us of God's protection and how God helps us overcome big things, Psalm 23 reminds us that God helps us feel comfort and at peace.

While the sheep slept, the shepherd would watch out for danger. The sheep could sleep in comfort because they knew they were taken care of. 

Remember how Jesus called himself the "Good Shepherd?" Not only does Jesus promise to protect us, but he also tells us that we can be calm and not worry. We don't have to be afraid. Jesus calmed storms and healed the sick, but he also became friends with everyone wherever he went. Jesus even showed kindness and care to people who other people ignored. Everyone who met Jesus felt supported and comforted by him. Jesus calmed their fears and reminded everyone that they could rest in his love. 

We don't have to fear any evil, because our Good Shepherd is with us. God, you comfort me when I’m afraid.

Pray: God, thank You for being our Good Shepherd. We can always come to you when we are afraid or unsure. Even in the most difficult times, you will comfort us. Amen.


Parent Devotional


7.13 Family Experience Resources

Turn it Up - Week 2

What do you do when you hear your favorite song? Turn it up, of course! While we might love blasting our favorite music, we can also learn how to turn up God’s voice in our lives. In this four-week series, our families will follow some key moments in the life of David, the famous musician, poet, and king, and we’ll learn about some of the ways David trusted God during some difficult times in his life. Through each story, we’ll learn God is with us when we feel weak, God helps us overcome big things, God comforts us when we’re afraid, and God helps us live in harmony.

BIG IDEA: God, you help me overcome big things.

BIBLE: 1 Samuel 17:1–50; Psalm 24



Elementary: "Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make a music to our God on the harp." Psalm 147:7 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Sing praises to God!" Psalm 147:7



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: God is for Me and 10,000 Armies



Read Psalm 24

David, the young man who faced Goliath, wrote this psalm later in his life. In this psalm, David writes about the importance of not trusting in an idol or false gods. In David's day, there were a lot of people who looked to sources other than God for protection and strength, but David knew that the only one who would help him overcome big things was God.

This psalm describes God as strong and mighty in battle. David experienced God's strength firsthand when he faced Goliath. Facing Goliath felt impossible, but he trusted in God to protect him. 

We can trust that God will protect and take care of us too. When God sent Jesus to earth, Jesus called himself the "Good Shepherd." He said he laid down his life so that his sheep — you and me — could be safe. 

Jesus wants what is best for us. Instead of looking to other things that can become idols (popularity, money, or having the newest, greatest stuff) we can turn to God. We can trust that God alone can help us overcome big things. Jesus, our Good Shepherd, will protect us in the battles of life. 

God, you help me overcome big things. 

Pray: God, there are a lot of things that make us feel nervous or afraid, but we are safe to take risks with you. Thank you for helping us overcome big things. Amen.


Parent Devotional


7.6 Family Experience Resources

Turn it Up - Week 1

What do you do when you hear your favorite song? Turn it up, of course! While we might love blasting our favorite music, we can also learn how to turn up God’s voice in our lives. In this four-week series, our families will follow some key moments in the life of David, the famous musician, poet, and king, and we’ll learn about some of the ways David trusted God during some difficult times in his life. Through each story, we’ll learn God is with us when we feel weak, God helps us overcome big things, God comforts us when we’re afraid, and God helps us live in harmony.

BIG IDEA: God, you’re with me when I feel weak.

BIBLE: 1 Samuel 15:1–23, 16:1–13; 2 Corinthians 12:9–10



Elementary: "Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make a music to our God on the harp." Psalm 147:7 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Sing praises to God!" Psalm 147:7



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: God is for Me and 10,000 Armies


When we feel weak, we may feel small and quiet. When we're asked to step up in a big way, like to become a leader, an older sibling, or a team captain, we might feel afraid. We may feel like we don't have what it takes to get through tough circumstances, but God is always here to help us, because when we are weak, God is strong.

One way God helps us when we're weak is by surrounding us with people who believe in us and support us. It's like being part of a band! 

Who are the people in your life that you can go to when you're feeling weak? 

Pretend you're in a band with your friends here. You have all been picked to share your talent at the Turn It Up World Tour! To start off strong, come up with a band name! 

Write your band name down on paper and draw a picture of what your awesome band looks like. Then write the big idea at the top of the page! God, you're with me when I'm weak!

Pray: God, thank you that even when things seem hard, we can trust you to be with us. You give us courage to follow you, even when we feel like we don't have what it takes. Thank you for being with us when we feel weak. Amen. 


Parent Devotional


6.29 Family Experience Resources

In Your Dreams - Week 5

As the sun sets and you nod off the sleep, an entire nighttime world awakens. Along with our dreams and slumber, the night can also mean shadows and unfamiliar sounds. Who makes us feel safe when the world is dark and scary? 

In this four-week series based on the life of Joseph, our families will learn about how God watches over us and loves everyone the same. No matter what we go through, God will make things right, which is why we can obey God above anyone else

BIG IDEA: We can obey God above anyone else. 

BIBLE: Genesis 50:22–Exodus 1



Elementary: "By day the Lord directs His love, at night his song is with me."  Palm 42:8A (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "God is with me, night and day!" Psalm 42:8



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Never Let Go of Me



Read or summarize the Bible story from Genesis 50:22- Exodus 1 

Next, ask you family the following questions...


Would you rather be a bat or an owl?

Would you rather sleep in a tree or on the ground in a tent?

Would you rather brush your teeth with strawberry or avocado toothpaste?

Would you rather go to the sun or the moon?

Would you rather be a police officer or a construction worker?

Would you rather have a pet snake or a porcupine?

Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?

Would you rather take a skunk for a walk or a tarantula?

Would you rather sleep during the day or during the night?


It‘s easy to choose from silly choices that are just for fun. But some choices are really hard to make. In this week's bible story we learned that we can always make the right choice when we follow God. 

Pray: Dear God, thank you for showing us how to make the right choice. We want to obey you above anyone else! Amen.


Parent Devotional

6.22 Family Experience Resources

In Your Dreams - Week 4

As the sun sets and you nod off the sleep, an entire nighttime world awakens. Along with our dreams and slumber, the night can also mean shadows and unfamiliar sounds. Who makes us feel safe when the world is dark and scary? 

In this four-week series based on the life of Joseph, our families will learn about how God watches over us and loves everyone the same. No matter what we go through, God will make things right, which is why we can obey God above anyone else

BIG IDEA: God will make things right.

BIBLE: Genesis 42:1–8; 45



Elementary: "By day the Lord directs His love, at night his song is with me."  Palm 42:8A (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God is with me, night and day!" Psalm 42:8



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Never Let Go of Me



Print and distribute the coloring page along with crayons or markers. As your kids color, you can review today’s Bible story, Big Idea, and memory verse.

Pray: Dear God, when things feel wrong or unfair, we know you will make things right. Help us to make things right when we mess up, too. Amen.


Parent Devotional

6.8 Family Experience Resources

In Your Dreams - Week 2

As the sun sets and you nod off the sleep, an entire nighttime world awakens. Along with our dreams and slumber, the night can also mean shadows and unfamiliar sounds. Who makes us feel safe when the world is dark and scary? 

In this four-week series based on the life of Joseph, our families will learn about how God watches over us and loves everyone the same. No matter what we go through, God will make things right, which is why we can obey God above anyone else

BIG IDEA: God watches over us.

BIBLE: Genesis 39:17–41:40



Elementary: "By day the Lord directs His love, at night his song is with me."  Palm 42:8A (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "God is with me, night and day!" Psalm 42:8



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Never Let Go of Me



Point the flashlight to shine parallel to the ground just above family members heads, and have them walk, crawl, or bend under it so that the light doesn’t touch any part of their bodies. 

When everyone has passed under the light, lower the beam a few inches. A player is “out” when the light illuminates a part of his body! 


How do you feel when it‘s dark?Sometimes I feel a little scared and alone. But when I have a flashlight, I feel so much better! But you know what‘s even better than a flashlight? God! God watches over us everywhere we go!

Pray: Dear God, thank you for watching over me when I am awake and when I am asleep. Because you watch over me, I know I am safe. Amen.


Parent Devotional

6.1 Family Experience Resources

In Your Dreams - Week 1

As the sun sets and you nod off the sleep, an entire nighttime world awakens. Along with our dreams and slumber, the night can also mean shadows and unfamiliar sounds. Who makes us feel safe when the world is dark and scary? 

In this four-week series based on the life of Joseph, our families will learn about how God watches over us and loves everyone the same. No matter what we go through, God will make things right, which is why we can obey God above anyone else

BIG IDEA: God loves everyone the same.

BIBLE: Genesis 37:1–28



Elementary: "By day the Lord directs His love, at night his song is with me."  Palm 42:8A (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God is with me, night and day!" Psalm 42:8



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Never Let Go of Me



Use a bathrobe to represent Joseph’s robe to play a modified version of “Tag.” Have the person who is “it” wear the robe and be “Joseph.” Everyone else in your family gets to be the siblings who have to run away from Joseph. Once tagged, partipants have to stand there with their arms crossed. Play until everyone is tagged. If you have older kids, introduce a player to be “Jacob,” who helps Joseph tag other players. 

Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son. Joseph got the beautiful robe and none of the other brothers got one. Joseph’s brothers did not like that Joseph was loved more than they were. It’s hard for us to feel happy when someone else gets all the attention and all the best things. That’s why it feels good to know that God loves everyone the same.We are all God’s favorites!

Pray: Dear God, thank you for loving all of us the same. Help us to love other people like you love them. Amen. 

Parent Devotional


5.25 Family Experience Resources

ONE small step - Week 4

Astronaut Neil Armstrong once said landing on the moon was “one small step for man.” The biggest adventures start in such a simple way — especially when it comes to space! Asteroids, distant planets, and brand new galaxies await us once we leave earth’s atmosphere. Being the first to explore such uncharted territory can be intimidating. In this four-week series, our families will take a look at the Book of Acts to learn from the first Christians. Through their stories of faith and bravery, our kids will learn how to take the first step of believing in Jesus, the next step of praying for others, and an even bigger step of trusting the Holy Spirit makes us brave. But they won’t want to skip the last step of telling others about Jesus.

BIG IDEA: Don’t skip this step — tell others about Jesus.

BIBLE: Philip in Ethiopia: Acts 8:26–40; Isaiah 6:1–8



Elementary: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalms 19:1 (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "God's creation shows his power." Hebrews 13:8



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Every Move I Make, and Step by Step



  • INSTRUCTIONS: Play ambient music (like this) as your family reflects on the Bible story. Make sure you have purchased any licenses required to do so. For more information, read this

  • It's time to follow that gravitational force and step back down to Earth. Think about the Bible story today. Philip did not wait to go to the place an angel told him to go. He didn't ask follow-up questions, he didn't make any excuses, and he didn't even stop to comment about how weird this whole thing seemed. He just went.

  • Why do you think he didn't wait at all?

  • People like Philip and the prophet Isaiah not only heard from God, but they did what God instructed them to do. When an angel of God appeared to Philip, he didn't say, "I'm a little busy right now, can I do it later?" When the voice of God spoke asking who will be God's messenger, Isaiah said, "Here am I, send me!" and not, "Here's another guy, send him." 

  • What are some of the things that stop us today from sharing Jesus with others?

  • Who can we turn to when we need the courage to share Jesus? 

  • We can always turn to God to help us be brave when it comes to talking about Jesus to others. Even when it feels scary, don't skip this step — tell others about Jesus. God will always be with you.

Pray: God, thank you for giving us the good news of Jesus we can share with others. Lead us to the places and people who need to hear this good news. Give us the right words to say and be with us as we go and tell the world about you. Amen.




    • Who told Philip to go down to the desert road? An angel of God.

    • What was the Ethiopian eunuch doing when Philip found him? Reading from the book of Isaiah.

    • What did the Ethiopian eunuch do immediately after Philip told him about Jesus? He asked to be baptized.

    • Read Isaiah 6:8. What was Isaiah's answer to the voice of God asking who will be God's messenger? "Here am I. Send me!"


    • How do you think you'll know that God is leading you to share Jesus with someone? 

    • Once you have an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus, what would you say?

    • Are there ways you can share Jesus with others besides with words? How? 

5.18 Family Experience Resources

ONE small step - Week 3

Astronaut Neil Armstrong once said landing on the moon was “one small step for man.” The biggest adventures start in such a simple way — especially when it comes to space! Asteroids, distant planets, and brand new galaxies await us once we leave earth’s atmosphere. Being the first to explore such uncharted territory can be intimidating. In this four-week series, our families will take a look at the Book of Acts to learn from the first Christians. Through their stories of faith and bravery, our kids will learn how to take the first step of believing in Jesus, the next step of praying for others, and an even bigger step of trusting the Holy Spirit makes us brave. But they won’t want to skip the last step of telling others about Jesus.

BIG IDEA: Take a big step — the Holy Spirit makes us brave.

BIBLE: Acts 6, 7:54–59; Acts 2:1–21



Elementary: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalms 19:1 (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "God's creation shows his power." Hebrews 13:8



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Every Move I Make, and Step by Step



  • Show a video about space suits (like this). For more information on how to legally use copyrighted material for educational purposes, read this!

  • Space suits are necessary for astronauts to complete their mission in space. It protects them, supplies them with oxygen, and keeps them from overheating. Without their space suits, astronauts could not survive in outer space! 

  • Just like space explorers need space suits to complete their missions, we need the Holy Spirit in our lives to help us complete our mission on Earth. What is our mission? To tell others about Jesus, just like Stephen did!

  • Stephen had the Holy Spirit who gave him words to speak to others about Jesus. The Holy Spirit in our lives will help us make good decisions, show us how we can love people better, and give us words to say in order to spread the exciting news about God's love!

  • Sometimes we can feel worried or scared about sharing Jesus with our friends, but just like Stephen did, we can take a big step — the Holy Spirit makes us brave!

Pray: God, thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to be with us as we take big steps in following Jesus. Please make us brave so we can share the good news with others. We want the whole world to know you! Amen.




    • What qualities did the chosen seven, including Stephen, have? They were full of the Spirit and wisdom.

    • Why was Stephen brought before the Sanhedrin? Because people made up lies that Stephen was making false statements against Moses and God.

    • What did Stephen pray while the people were throwing stones at him? For God to forgive the crowd, to not hold their sin against them.

    • Read Acts 2:2–4. What happened when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit? They were able to speak in other languages.


    • What does being brave look and feel like to you? 

    • What can you ask the Holy Spirit to help you be brave with?

    • How can you help someone take their big step in allowing the Holy Spirit to make them brave for Jesus?