2.15 Family Experience Resources

Miraculous - Week 3

When we visit an aquarium, we find a whole world filled with sea creatures, plants, and more. Some of the discoveries we've made about what lives underwater can seem almost like a miracle. But it's not just under the sea where miracles happen—Jesus used water in some of his most well-known miracles! In this four-week series, kids will learn about some of the incredible miracles Jesus performed to help people grow closer to God. As they do, they'll learn how Jesus does everything out of love, calls us to follow him, knows what we need, and, most of all, that Jesus can do anything!

BIG IDEA: Jesus knows what we need.

BIBLE: The Healing at the Pool: John 5:1–9a; Jeremiah 17:7–10



Elementary:   "You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples." Psalm 77:14 (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "Our God can do miracles!" Psalm 77:14



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: OUR GOD and Anything is Possible


DISCIPLE: Read or retell John 5:1-9a

DIVE DEEP: Draw the part of today's Bible story is the most memorable to you? 


Our Big Idea for today is Jesus knows what we need. But do we know what we need? Sometimes, we think we do, but it ends up being something we don't really need at all.

Think about the following scenarios. Complete each blank with the word "want" or "need." Why did you choose the way you did?

  • My sibling broke my Switch, and now I can't play my video games. I ____ a new Switch. 

  • It's 110℉ (or 43℃) outside, and I'm waiting for the school bus in the sun. I ______ some water.

  • My stomach is growling, and lunch is 45 minutes away! I ______ a bag of chips.

  • It's 10 AM on a Sunday morning. I'm in bed, and everyone in the house is loud and telling me to get up. I ______ to sleep. 

Sometimes, what we want and need can be the same thing. But sometimes, what we want is not what we need. But Jesus always knows the difference and leads us to the things we need to survive and thrive. 

Parents, tell of a time when Jesus helped you, and you didn't even realize you needed help?  How is Jesus giving you what you need right now? 


Pray: Dear God, you are the God of miracles! Thank you for knowing what we need and giving us even more than that. We know we can trust you to take care of all of our needs. Help us to see the needs of others and how we can help them with their needs. Amen.



2.8 Family Experience Resources

Miraculous - Week 2

When we visit an aquarium, we find a whole world filled with sea creatures, plants, and more. Some of the discoveries we've made about what lives underwater can seem almost like a miracle. But it's not just under the sea where miracles happen—Jesus used water in some of his most well-known miracles! In this four-week series, kids will learn about some of the incredible miracles Jesus performed to help people grow closer to God. As they do, they'll learn how Jesus does everything out of love, calls us to follow him, knows what we need, and, most of all, that Jesus can do anything!

BIG IDEA: Jesus calls us to follow him.

BIBLE: A Miraculous Catch of Fish: Luke 5:1–11; Isaiah 6:1–8



Elementary:   "You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples." Psalm 77:14 (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "Our God can do miracles!" Psalm 77:14



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: OUR GOD and Anything is Possible


DISCIPLE: Read or retell Luke 5:1-11

DIVE DEEP: Draw the part of today's Bible story is the most memorable to you? 


Our Big Idea for today is Jesus calls us to follow him. The fisher friends in today's Bible story left everything behind to follow Jesus. James and John even left their father right here in the boat to go with Jesus.

Would you be able to give up everything to follow Jesus? 


This might be the case for some of our families that Jesus calls to share about God in different countries. For most of us, we can follow Jesus right where we are. In any case, Jesus is always with us, so no matter where he calls us, we are never alone when we follow him.

But the Bible story makes one thing clear—we can't follow Jesus if we continue to hold on to the things that make it hard to follow Jesus. For Simon and company, that meant they had to leave their careers and families behind. For us, it might be something else.

Maybe it's ditching not-so-great habits that make it hard to have a relationship with Jesus. Maybe it's changing our attitudes about Jesus so we can learn and grow how he wants us to. Maybe it's stuff that we want to spend more time with than with Jesus.

Pray: Jesus, thank you for calling us to follow you. Just like your friends did, we want to be able to let go of anything that keeps us from following you. Help us to keep following all the ways you show us how to love God and love people each day. Amen.



2.1 Family Experience Resources

Miraculous - Week 1

When we visit an aquarium, we find a whole world filled with sea creatures, plants, and more. Some of the discoveries we've made about what lives underwater can seem almost like a miracle. But it's not just under the sea where miracles happen—Jesus used water in some of his most well-known miracles! In this four-week series, kids will learn about some of the incredible miracles Jesus performed to help people grow closer to God. As they do, they'll learn how Jesus does everything out of love, calls us to follow him, knows what we need, and, most of all, that Jesus can do anything!

BIG IDEA: Jesus does everything out of love.

BIBLE: Jesus Turns Water into Wine: John 2:1–12; 1 Corinthians 13:1–7



Elementary:   "You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples." Psalm 77:14 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Our God can do miracles!" Psalm 77:14



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: OUR GOD and Anything is Possible


DISCIPLE: Read  or retell John 2:1-12

DIVE DEEP: Draw the part of today's Bible story is the most memorable to you? 

The ocean is a source of life to all the fish and creatures in the sea, and love is the source of life Jesus shares with us, God's human creations.


Our Big Idea today is Jesus does everything out of love. Sometimes it's difficult to do something out of love, especially when it's something we don't want to do.

Think of a time when someone asked for your help, but you hesitated (or didn't do it at all) because you didn't feel like it. 

What happened? 

What might you do differently next time? 

How would helping out show them love? 


It's okay not to want to do something ... it happens. Sometimes it's not the right time because you're in the middle of something else important. Sometimes we simply don't feel like it.

But whenever we feel this way, we can pause, take a deep breath, and remember that our actions should be guided by God's love. When we remember that, it's easy to press pause on our game or TV show, put down the toy we're playing with, or tell a friend you'll talk to them later and go help where you're needed. If you're ever unsure about what to do, think about Jesus. Jesus does everything out of love.


Pray: God, thank you for giving us the miracle of Jesus. Help us to remember this week to be there for our friends and family and see when help is needed. When we help others, it reflects the love of Jesus. Help us to do everything out of love. Amen.



1.25 Family Experience Resources

Camp Believe It - Week 4

People love camping, and for good reason! You can take in nature, practice special skills, or just take time to relax in a new environment. And when it comes to camping, no one loved it as much as John the Baptist. In this 4-week series, our families will hear about John the Baptist's special role in preparing the way for Jesus and his ministry. John's story will help kids to say their camp motto, "I believe God gives me purpose. I believe God can speak to me. I believe God is powerful. I believe God's words are true."

BIG IDEA: I believe God’s words are true.


BIBLE: Jesus Rejected At Nazareth: Luke 4:14–30; Psalm 19:7–14



Elementary:   "We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God." John 6:69


Toddler Twist: "We believe and know that you are God!" John 6:69



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Same Power and This I Believe



Get a compass or use the one on your smartphone and show your kids how the needle always points true North, no matter which way you turn.


When we are out in the wilderness, we need to know our way around or else we could get lost. One way to keep track of this is to use a compass. The needle of a compass always points true North. This is because the needle responds to the earth's magnetic field. No matter where you turn, the metal needle points toward the magnetic poles in the north and south. One end is painted red to show which way is North. This way, when you are on a hike where there are no signs, you can use a compass to help guide you. Without a compass, you might get lost.


God's words are like a compass. God's words always point to the truth. So when you are trying to make your way through life and you feel a little lost, turn to God's words and let them point you back to "true north." I believe God's words are true.

Pray: God, you are trustworthy and true. Thank you that I can always trust what you say. Help me learn more from the Bible and remember your words whenever I go through a hard time. Also, help me remember that your words are true, even in times when I don't always understand them. Amen.

Parent Devotional

1.18 Family Experience Resources

Camp Believe It - Week 3

People love camping, and for good reason! You can take in nature, practice special skills, or just take time to relax in a new environment. And when it comes to camping, no one loved it as much as John the Baptist. In this 4-week series, our families will hear about John the Baptist's special role in preparing the way for Jesus and his ministry. John's story will help kids to say their camp motto, "I believe God gives me purpose. I believe God can speak to me. I believe God is powerful. I believe God's words are true."

BIG IDEA: I believe God is powerful.


BIBLE: Jesus In The Wilderness: Matthew 4:1–11; Psalm 36:5–10



Elementary:   "We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God." John 6:69


Toddler Twist: "We believe and know that you are God!" John 6:69



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Same Power and This I Believe



Show an image or a video about poison ivy (like this one). 


Being out in the wilderness can be a fun and beautiful experience, but we still need to be careful.

What are some of the dangers we need to be on the lookout for when we're out in the wilderness? (Wild animals, snakes, insects, slippery terrain, and, of course, poison ivy or poison oak).


Poison ivy and poison oak are common dangers that we might find in the wilderness. We need to avoid touching these plants because they can cause a painful rash. One way to help you avoid poison ivy and poison oak is to remember this: "Leaves of three, leave it be." These poisonous plants have pointed leaves in groups of three.


If you see a plant like this, with leaves of three, what should you do? Leave it be. Just don't touch it.


Speaking of "three," that's how many times the devil tried to tempt Jesus to disobey God. But much like we should do with poison ivy plants, Jesus did leave it be. He said no to the devil's tempting — all three times — because he knew God was more powerful. I believe God is powerful, too. What about you? 

Pray: God, even though you are so powerful, you let us come to you whenever we want. Thank you for loving us and giving us power when we feel like we have none. Help us resist anything that tries to hurt our relationship with you. We believe you—and your words—are powerful. Amen.

Parent Devotional

1.11 Family Experience Resources

Camp Believe It - Week 2

People love camping, and for good reason! You can take in nature, practice special skills, or just take time to relax in a new environment. And when it comes to camping, no one loved it as much as John the Baptist. In this 4-week series, our families will hear about John the Baptist's special role in preparing the way for Jesus and his ministry. John's story will help kids to say their camp motto, "I believe God gives me purpose. I believe God can speak to me. I believe God is powerful. I believe God's words are true."

BIG IDEA: I believe God can speak to me.


BIBLE: The Baptism Of Jesus: Luke 3:2–3, 21–22; Psalm 29:3–9



Elementary:   "We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God." John 6:69


Toddler Twist: "We believe and know that you are God!" John 6:69



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Same Power and This I Believe



Show your family this video of birds and their distinct calls. 


One popular outdoor activity is birding. That's when you go out and try to identify the different birds you encounter. When you can see the birds, you might be able to tell what kind they are, but what about when you can't see them clearly?


Some people can recognize birds by the sounds they make.

  • What are some sounds that birds make? Some sounds are chirping, screeching, cawing, quacking, clucking, and even singing.

  • How can you recognize a bird just by the sound it makes? You have to be familiar enough with a bird's call to recognize it, so you can study bird calls and learn them.

  • How might we learn to recognize when God speaks to us? We can read the Bible and learn how God speaks to people. Sometimes it's through other people.

Just like birds and their unique sounds, we are all uniquely different. But no matter how different we are, God still speaks to every one of us.


And just like we can become familiar with the unique sounds of birds, the voice of God can become familiar to us when we make time to know God. We can do this by reading and memorizing Scripture, talking to God in prayer, quietly being with God, and thinking about what is true about God. The more time we spend with God, the more likely we are to know God's voice. I believe God can speak to me.

Pray: God, whether it's through a mighty thunderous voice or in gentle whispers, we believe that you can and do speak to us. Thank you for loving us that much. Help us to know and hear your voice and to learn to listen when you speak to us. Amen.

Parent Devotional

1.4 Family Experience Resources

Camp Believe It - Week 1

People love camping, and for good reason! You can take in nature, practice special skills, or just take time to relax in a new environment. And when it comes to camping, no one loved it as much as John the Baptist. In this 4-week series, our families will hear about John the Baptist's special role in preparing the way for Jesus and his ministry. John's story will help kids to say their camp motto, "I believe God gives me purpose. I believe God can speak to me. I believe God is powerful. I believe God's words are true."

BIG IDEA: I believe God gives me purpose.


BIBLE: John prepares the way: Mark 1:1-8



Elementary:   "We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God." John 6:69


Toddler Twist: "We believe and know that you are God!" John 6:69



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Same Power and This I Believe



Part of the camping experience is to go on a nature hike and explore the wilderness. You need a guide, though, or else you might get lost. Trail guides also help us know what to do when we encounter obstacles. A trail guide's purpose is to help us navigate and keep us on the right path.


John the Baptist from our Bible story (in Mark 1:1-8) was like a trail guide, too. He helped clear the way and point people to Jesus. God gave John purpose, and God does this for us, too. 


For example, like John, we can also be a trail guide for others to know and follow Jesus. Our big idea this week is: I believe God gives me purpose.


Pray: God, your love for us is amazing. You chose us to be yours, and you gave us purpose. Show us how to discover our special purpose and help others with it. Amen.

Parent Devotional

12.28 Family Experience Resources

Christmas Vacation - Week 4

Grab your sandals, sunblock, and swim gear because it’s time for a Christmas Vacation! We’ll be making sand angels and roasting chestnuts around an open bonfire on our tropical getaway. You’ve never experienced Christmas like this! In this five-week series, our families will focus on the birth of Jesus and the way God had been planning things from the very beginning. We’ll see how God sent Jesus for a reason, learn to trust God’s timing, and see how Jesus is why we celebrate because Jesus is God’s gift to the world.

BIG IDEA: Jesus is God’s gift to the world.

BIBLE: Luke 2:22–40; 2 Corinthians 9:6–15



Elementary:   "The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world." John 1:9 (NIV) 


Toddler Twist: "Jesus brings light to the world! John 1:9



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Celebrate and Light of the World



Parents, prepare two gifts, one that is wrapped extravagantly and another wrapped poorly in newspaper or a brown paper bag. Place a small piece of candy inside the fancy package and a more expensive gift (stack of money, gaming device, phone) inside the homely package.


ASK: Which of these presents looks more desirable?

The one with the fancier wrapping, right? Just like you should never judge a book by its cover, never judge a gift by its wrapping! As you might have guessed already, the more valuable gift is hiding behind the less-impressive packaging. 

Jesus came to us in less-than-ideal packaging. He was born to a young woman who was nowhere near ready to be a mother but trusted God anyway. He was born in a room shared with animals and took his baby naps inside a manger. This baby wrapped in cloth was, and is, the greatest gift the world could ever know. Jesus is God’s gift to the world.


Pray: "God, we cannot ever thank you enough for the gift of Jesus. We pray that those around the world who have not heard the name of Jesus would hear his name, and how he is a gift for them too. Amen"




12.21 Family Experience Resources

Christmas Vacation - Week 3

Grab your sandals, sunblock, and swim gear because it’s time for a Christmas Vacation! We’ll be making sand angels and roasting chestnuts around an open bonfire on our tropical getaway. You’ve never experienced Christmas like this! In this five-week series, our families will focus on the birth of Jesus and the way God had been planning things from the very beginning. We’ll see how God sent Jesus for a reason, learn to trust God’s timing, and see how Jesus is why we celebrate because Jesus is God’s gift to the world.

JOIN US FOR Christmas Brunch AT 10AM IN PERSON


Family Experience Worship  AT 10:50!


BIG IDEA: Jesus is why we celebrate!

BIBLE: Luke 1:26- Luke 2:1-20 



Elementary:   "The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world." John 1:9 (NIV) 


Toddler Twist: "Jesus brings light to the world! John 1:9


SONG: Celebrate and Light of the World



12.14 Family Experience Resources

Christmas Vacation - Week 2

Grab your sandals, sunblock, and swim gear because it’s time for a Christmas Vacation! We’ll be making sand angels and roasting chestnuts around an open bonfire on our tropical getaway. You’ve never experienced Christmas like this! In this five-week series, our families will focus on the birth of Jesus and the way God had been planning things from the very beginning. We’ll see how God sent Jesus for a reason, learn to trust God’s timing, and see how Jesus is why we celebrate because Jesus is God’s gift to the world.

BIG IDEA: We can trust God’s timing.

BIBLE: Luke 1:5–25; 2 Peter 3:8–15



Elementary:   "The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world." John 1:9 (NIV) 


Toddler Twist: "Jesus brings light to the world! John 1:9



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Celebrate and Light of the World



Play a round of charades by having each family member take turns acting out clues. Create a list of words using characters from the Bible story (angel, Zechariah, Elizabeth, baby) and words related to a tropical Christmas (beach, island, palm tree, waves, surfing, sun). 

* Whisper the word or provide images for non-readers.


Say: It’s really tough trying to communicate without being able to speak if that’s what we’re used to. Just imagine — Zechariah had to do this for nine months while he waited for baby John to be born! 

Of course, this doesn’t mean that anytime we don’t believe something about God right away, we will go through what Zechariah did. But it seems this might have been what Zechariah needed to experience in order to fully accept God’s promise. Once the baby was born and Zechariah could speak again, I bet he was speechless anyway. 

How incredible that God allowed John to come into the world, but even more incredible that John would prepare the world for the savior, Jesus? We can trust God’s timing.


Pray: "God, we know that we get impatient waiting for you sometimes, but remind us that your timing is perfect, so we can trust that always. Thank you for patiently waiting for us as we learn and grow each day. Remind us that we are a part of a bigger story. Thank you for including us in that bigger story. Amen"




12.7 Family Experience Resources

Christmas Vacation - Week 1

Grab your sandals, sunblock, and swim gear because it’s time for a Christmas Vacation! We’ll be making sand angels and roasting chestnuts around an open bonfire on our tropical getaway. You’ve never experienced Christmas like this! In this five-week series, our families will focus on the birth of Jesus and the way God had been planning things from the very beginning. We’ll see how God sent Jesus for a reason, learn to trust God’s timing, and see how Jesus is why we celebrate because Jesus is God’s gift to the world.

BIG IDEA: God sent Jesus for a reason.

BIBLE: John 1:1–17; Psalm 80:1–7



Elementary:   "The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world." John 1:9 (NIV) 


Toddler Twist: "Jesus brings light to the world! John 1:9



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Celebrate and Light of the World



Give each family member a piece of black construction paper and a white crayon. Have them try to draw a light source (sun, light bulb, candle) with their eyes closed. On the back side, have them try it with their eyes open.


Say: Wasn’t it so much easier to draw with “the lights on?” Following God isn’t easy as it is, but doing it without Jesus is like drawing with the lights out. Having Jesus makes all the difference! God sent Jesus for a reason.


Read or paraphrase John 1:1-17 together and pray.


Pray: "God, thank you for sending Jesus as the savior we so badly needed and still need today. Help us to step out of the darkness and draw closer to your light. Help this Christmas season to be different so that we can show others how much you love this world. Amen"




11.30 Family Experience Resources

On the right track - Week 4

Racers, start your engines! In a race, you might need to navigate obstacles, pit stops, and tight turns in order to stay on the right track. As you’re zooming through the track, there’s so much to think about and it can be hard to stay focused on what’s most important! In this four-week series, our families will learn some important stories from Joshua about how obstacles are no problem for God and courage comes from knowing God’s words. No matter how long the race, God can use someone like you because with God, there is victory!

BIG IDEA: With God, there is victory!

BIBLE: Joshua 5:13–6:25; Psalm 100


Elementary:   "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23  (NIV) 

Toddler Twist: "God will always be there for me!" Hebrews 10:23



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video 

SONG: My Lighthouse and See A Victory



Show this clip from “Cars” or this clip from Cars 3 (or both, if you have time). 

  • FOR BIGS: You might want to pull a racing scene clip from movies like Speed Racer (2008), Wreck-It Ralph (2012), Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018), or The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023).

Lightning McQueen in the Cars movies started out as a fresh rookie racecar whose only purpose was to race and win. But as his story went on, he started to care about others more than he cared about winning. So, even in those instances when he didn’t really win, he was still able to have some kind of victory.


If the Israelites had only cared about winning, they would not have marched around the Jericho walls blowing trumpets. But they knew that God would give them the win in the right way and at the right time. Remember Rahab? She believed it, too. She helped hide the spies that were scoping out the land. That’s why she was saved when the walls came down. 


God gave the Israelites victory over Jericho because they trusted God’s instructions and believed that only with God, there is victory!

Pray: Dear God, there is nothing you cannot do! We love and praise you because you give us victory! Amen.



11.23 Family Experience Resources

On the right track - Week 3

Racers, start your engines! In a race, you might need to navigate obstacles, pit stops, and tight turns in order to stay on the right track. As you’re zooming through the track, there’s so much to think about and it can be hard to stay focused on what’s most important! In this four-week series, our families will learn some important stories from Joshua about how obstacles are no problem for God and courage comes from knowing God’s words. No matter how long the race, God can use someone like you because with God, there is victory!

BIG IDEA: God can use someone like me.

BIBLE: Joshua 2; Matthew 25:14–30



Elementary:   "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23  (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God will always be there for me!" Hebrews 10:23



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: My Lighthouse and See A Victory


DISCIPLE: Read Joshua 2

Show a video of safety vehicles like tow trucks at a racetrack (you can show the first few minutes of this video). 

  • FOR BIGS: Speaking of how God uses us this week, take the time to encourage your older kiddos about their various gifts. Some gifts might be more conspicuous and others might be somewhat hidden. Spend time with them to learn their strengths and ways they can help out in your ministry.

How important are the jobs of these vehicles at a race? It’s easy to overlook them because they’re not flashy racing cars, but without them, what would happen if an accident took place? It would be a mess! 

Rahab might not have been someone whom people looked up to or recognized for her place in society, but she turned out to be exactly the right person to help God’s people plan their entrance into the Promised Land.. 

All of us have something we can do that is useful. God can use someone like me and you for amazing things, no matter how small of a contribution you might think it is. 

Pray: Dear God, thank you for using someone like me! Teach me to help and do good toward others. Amen.



11.16 Family Experience Resources

On the right track - Week 2

Racers, start your engines! In a race, you might need to navigate obstacles, pit stops, and tight turns in order to stay on the right track. As you’re zooming through the track, there’s so much to think about and it can be hard to stay focused on what’s most important! In this four-week series, our families will learn some important stories from Joshua about how obstacles are no problem for God and courage comes from knowing God’s words. No matter how long the race, God can use someone like you because with God, there is victory!

BIG IDEA: Courage comes from knowing God’s words.

BIBLE: Joshua 1; 24:14–25; Psalm 78:1–7



Elementary:   "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23  (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God will always be there for me!" Hebrews 10:23



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: My Lighthouse and See A Victory



Show a clip from the movie “Cars” to your family, where Doc advises Lightning about drifting, like this one (stop at 2:30 if short on time).

  • FOR BIGS: Instead of or in addition to showing this clip, talk with your kids about any advice they’ve been given that they felt resistant to follow. Why was that? Was it because it was bad advice or because of other reasons? Then talk about any resistance they might feel about learning from Scripture.

  • FOR LITTLES: At the beginning of this movie, Lightning McQueen is convinced he’s the greatest rookie racer and doesn’t need anyone’s advice. It’s only when he realizes one of the advice-givers was racing legend, Doc Hudson, that he starts paying attention. Then he not only learns a valuable skill — “go right to go left” — but he also becomes more compassionate, too. 

There are times when we might feel like we know what God is saying to us . . . we’ve heard it so many times before. But knowing is not enough. When we trust that courage comes from knowing God’s words, we can be really courageous and go out and do the things we know. 

What are some of God’s words from the Bible that you remember?


Pray: Dear God, thank you for your words. Please give me the courage to do what you teach us to do through your words! Amen.



11.9 Family Experience Resources

On the right track - Week 1

Racers, start your engines! In a race, you might need to navigate obstacles, pit stops, and tight turns in order to stay on the right track. As you’re zooming through the track, there’s so much to think about and it can be hard to stay focused on what’s most important! In this four-week series, our families will learn some important stories from Joshua about how obstacles are no problem for God and courage comes from knowing God’s words. No matter how long the race, God can use someone like you because with God, there is victory!

BIG IDEA: Obstacles are no problem for God!

BIBLE: Numbers 13–14:9; Psalm 107:1–7,33–37



Elementary:   "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23  (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God will always be there for me!" Hebrews 10:23



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: My Lighthouse and See A Victory


DISCIPLE: Read Numbers 13-14:9 together. 

For this activity, you will need a bunch of random supplies: yarn, tape, pipe cleaners, cotton balls, wax sticks, and any crafty thing you find in your house. Give each family member a shallow card board box or a large paper plate and a small marble (or mini car). Have them create a maze out of these materials, with creative obstacles. Afterward, have them navigate their marble through the maze by tilting the box strategically to get the car to the finish line. (See a worked example here.)

  • Even better than you are able to get your “car” to the finish line, God is able to steer you in the right direction, especially when obstacles are involved. Because obstacles are no problem for God!

Pray: Dear God, thank you for being bigger than any obstacle. Obstacles are no problem for you! Amen.



11.2 Family Experience Resources

Are We There Yet? - Week 5

Can you imagine needing to walk through the desert? You’d be surrounded by cacti, sand, snakes, and more sand. With the heat of the sun, we’d wind up so thirsty and wondering “Are we there yet?” That’s probably how the Israelites felt as they wandered around the desert, waiting to enter the Promised Land. But no matter how tired our feet get, we can focus on what’s happening in our lives right now rather than just on where we’re going. In this five-week series based on stories from Exodus, our families will explore how we can choose to be thankful, love God and others, turn to God when we’re lost, go to God when we need rest, and remember God’s promises.

BIG IDEA: We can remember God’s promises.

BIBLE: Numbers 20:1–13; Deuteronomy 34:1–12; Psalm 90



Elementary:   "I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19B  (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Jesus makes a way for me!" Isaiah 43:19



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Way Maker and Same God


DISCIPLE: Read or summarize Numbers 20:1-13

Show your family an image of the Antarctic desert. Then give a copy of the printable and some drawing supplies to each family member.

When you think of a "desert," what are the things you think of? Right — sand, sun, camels, cacti, tumbleweed, scorpions. 

But did you know that this is also a desert? (Show image of Antarctic desert)

  • Antarctica is also considered a desert because it gets even less rain than the Sahara Desert. Even though it looks nothing like a typical desert, it's still a desert! 

  • God's promises sometimes don't look the way we imagine they would. 

    • I'm sure when they started the journey, the Israelites thought they would get to the Promised Land right away with very little difficulty. But the Israelites traveled a long time in the desert to get to the land God had promised to them . . . forty years, in fact. 

    • And not everyone made it all the way to the Promised Land. As we read in our Bible story today, Moses and Aaron didn't end up in the Promised Land, but God's promise didn't change. Even though mistakes were made along the way, the Israelites eventually still arrived in the Promised Land. 

  • Even when things don't work out exactly the way we had hoped, we can remember God’s promises. In our memory verse for this month, God says in Isaiah 43:19b, "I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."

    • Look at the empty desert drawing in front of you. 

    • How can you turn it into something different and unexpected? 

    • Maybe it's a desert with a playground. Or a freezing one with penguins and whales. Or maybe it's not even a desert . . . it's a beautiful beach! 

  • God can do anything beyond what we think is possible . . . like making an Antarctic Desert! 



10.26 Family Experience Resources

Are We There Yet? - Week 4

Can you imagine needing to walk through the desert? You’d be surrounded by cacti, sand, snakes, and more sand. With the heat of the sun, we’d wind up so thirsty and wondering “Are we there yet?” That’s probably how the Israelites felt as they wandered around the desert, waiting to enter the Promised Land. But no matter how tired our feet get, we can focus on what’s happening in our lives right now rather than just on where we’re going. In this five-week series based on stories from Exodus, our families will explore how we can choose to be thankful, love God and others, turn to God when we’re lost, go to God when we need rest, and remember God’s promises.

BIG IDEA: We can go to God when we need rest.

BIBLE: Exodus 33:7–23; Matthew 11:25–30



Elementary:   "I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19B  (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Jesus makes a way for me!" Isaiah 43:19



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Way Maker and Same God


DISCIPLE: Read or summarize Exodus 33:7-23

INSTRUCTIONS: Show an image of a bushcraft shelter. Have you family try to build a tent using blankets, towels, clothespins, rubber bands, and other supplies you have on hand. 

On a scale of 1 to 10, how challenging was the building process? Now, imagine trying to build a shelter with things that you find in the wilderness around you. That takes it to a whole new level!

When you train to go out into the wilderness, one of the survival skills you learn is how to build a shelter. You can't always carry a tent with you so you have to use the materials you find in the wild to build your shelter. A shelter protects you from the weather and whatever wildlife might be camping nearby. When you feel safe, it's easier for you to rest. 


In today's Bible story, Moses was promised two things: God's presence and rest. But these were not unrelated things. Moses was able to experience rest because he was in God's presence. He was able to calm his worries when he talked with God in the tent of meeting, and even more when he saw God's glory . . . at least from the back. God's presence was like a shelter that gave Moses rest. 

God does this for us too. We can go to God when we need rest. 



10.19 Family Experience Resources

Are We There Yet? - Week 3

Can you imagine needing to walk through the desert? You’d be surrounded by cacti, sand, snakes, and more sand. With the heat of the sun, we’d wind up so thirsty and wondering “Are we there yet?” That’s probably how the Israelites felt as they wandered around the desert, waiting to enter the Promised Land. But no matter how tired our feet get, we can focus on what’s happening in our lives right now rather than just on where we’re going. In this five-week series based on stories from Exodus, our families will explore how we can choose to be thankful, love God and others, turn to God when we’re lost, go to God when we need rest, and remember God’s promises.

BIG IDEA: We can turn to God when we’re lost.

BIBLE: Exodus 32:1–14; Philippians 4:4–9



Elementary:   "I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19B  (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Jesus makes a way for me!" Isaiah 43:19



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Way Maker and Same God


DISCIPLE: Read or summarize Exodus 32:1-14

Play this modified version of "Simon Says." Give your family commands where every movement is designed to get them to a specific destination ("Take two steps to the left," "Hop once to the front," "Turn to your right"). Your family has to follow every command preceded by "Siri Says" but must ignore the others. Anyone who moves when they're not supposed to has to sit down. 

If we were ever lost in the desert, that would be bad news because there aren't a lot of places where we can stop and ask for directions. Now if we had some sort of smart device with a maps app and GPS, we'd have a better chance of finding our way. We could be like, "Hey Siri, where am I?" and right then and there, we'd have help!

When Moses was up on that mountain, God's people got worried and lost. They immediately started turning to other solutions when they could have paused and said, "Hey God, where are you?" We can turn to God when we're lost and trust that God will not only find us, but also give us directions to our destination.



10.12 Family Experience Resources

Are We There Yet? - Week 2

Can you imagine needing to walk through the desert? You’d be surrounded by cacti, sand, snakes, and more sand. With the heat of the sun, we’d wind up so thirsty and wondering “Are we there yet?” That’s probably how the Israelites felt as they wandered around the desert, waiting to enter the Promised Land. But no matter how tired our feet get, we can focus on what’s happening in our lives right now rather than just on where we’re going. In this five-week series based on stories from Exodus, our families will explore how we can choose to be thankful, love God and others, turn to God when we’re lost, go to God when we need rest, and remember God’s promises.

BIG IDEA: We can love God and others.

BIBLE: Exodus 20:1–4, 7–9, 12–20; Matthew 22:34–40



Elementary:   "I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19B  (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Jesus makes a way for me!" Isaiah 43:19



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Way Maker and Same God


DISCIPLE: Read or summarize Exodus 20:1-4; 7-9; 12-20. 

  • Prepare a large cutout of a heart. Write "God" on one side and "Others" on the other side. 

  • God’s rules tell us how to love God and love others. Sometimes it’s hard to do both when we don’t follow God’s rules. God gave us these commandments to help us see how God loves. God doesn't love part-way. God always loves completely. 

  • When we don’t show love to people or God, it breaks God’s heart and it breaks our hearts too. (Tear the heart in half.)

  • Sometimes it can be really hard to love the people right in front of us. Maybe you can think of a time recently when you haven't been loving to a friend, sibling, or parent. As we learn to love those around us, we learn to love God. 

  • The flip side of that is true too. As we keep learning to love God, we are better able to love others. 

  • God loves completely, so we can trust that when we don't feel like we can love completely, God will help us by providing guidance for our us. As we follow God's commandments, we will see our love for God and others come together and grow.

    • Love God. (Hold up the "God" half of the heart.)

    • Love others. (Hold up the "Others" half of the heart and tape it together with the other part to complete the heart.)

  • Even though it might seem difficult sometimes, with God's help, we can love God and others. 



10.5 Family Experience Resources

Are We There Yet? - Week 1

Can you imagine needing to walk through the desert? You’d be surrounded by cacti, sand, snakes, and more sand. With the heat of the sun, we’d wind up so thirsty and wondering “Are we there yet?” That’s probably how the Israelites felt as they wandered around the desert, waiting to enter the Promised Land. But no matter how tired our feet get, we can focus on what’s happening in our lives right now rather than just on where we’re going. In this five-week series based on stories from Exodus, our families will explore how we can choose to be thankful, love God and others, turn to God when we’re lost, go to God when we need rest, and remember God’s promises.

BIG IDEA: We can choose to be thankful.

BIBLE: Exodus 17:1–7; Philippians 2:5–16



Elementary:   "I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19B  (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Jesus makes a way for me!" Isaiah 43:19



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Way Maker and Same God


DISCIPLE: Read or summarize Exodus 17:1-7

  • Give each family member a small stone.

  • Let's see who can squeeze the most water out of their rock? (Let them try)

  • Were you able to get any water out of your rock?

  • How did Moses get water from the rock in today's Bible story? 

  • God provided water through a miracle. The Israelites started out complaining, but I wonder if they were more thankful after they had water to drink. 

  • Complaining can happen. Sometimes there are difficult things in life and talking about them out loud helps us process what's happening to us. But even when we have every right to complain, we can choose thankfulness instead.