3.1 Family Experience Resources

Big Picture - Week 1

Every great movie tells a great story. When we see those stories played out on the big screen, we can learn a little more about ourselves and the world around us. Jesus knew how powerful stories could be, and he made them a big part of how he taught his followers. In this 5-week series, kids will hear some of the stories Jesus shared that can help them see the big picture of a life spent following God. Kids will see that God helps us know what's true, the ways we can give back to God, how God sends us helpers, that God gives us second chances, and how we belong in God's family.

BIG IDEA: God helps us know what’s true.

BIBLE: The Parable of the Sower: Matthew 13:1–23; Luke 9:28–36



Elementary:  "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV)


Toddler Twist: Pray to God and He will answer. Jeremiah 33:3



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Open the Eyes of my Heart and Build My Life



  • Show this clip (from 0:001:32) from the movie "The Good Dinosaur" to show how they cared for their farmland. (We always suggest viewing the clip beforehand to make sure you think it’s a video that will be a good fit for your context! For more information on how to legally use copyrighted material for educational purposes, read this!)


  • I love using our imaginations, but sometimes watching a movie helps us visualize something much more clearly.

  • What did the "farmer" in this movie do to take care of his crops? He planted it in soil and made sure each seed had room to grow properly and had plenty of sunlight and water.

  • Many things go into making sure seeds grow into fruitful crops. In the parable, Jesus said that all the seeds had the same conditions and even the same farmer, except for one major difference—they were on different soils. The soils in the parable represent our hearts and attitudes toward God's words.

  • If we follow God's instructions, listen to God's words, and apply what Jesus teaches us to everything we do, our faith will grow strong and big! Just like a seed planted in good soil will grow into a large crop.

  • Listen to God. God helps us know what's true! 

Pray: Jesus, thank you for always helping us know what's true. Help us understand God's words so that we can know God more. When we are confused and unsure of things, we know we can always find the truth in you. Amen.


Parent Devotion