This week in our FAMILY EXPERIENCE LIVE video, we are start our brand NEW series, CROSSOVER! This week, we learn that GOD GIVES US PEACE!
Watch this week’s video to find out more and look below for the resources mentioned in the video.
We also have a Family Experience Worship from 11-11:15am every Saturday morning on Facebook and YouTube. We hope you’ll join us next week!
View the video on YouTube by clicking here
Worship in Song;
Gideons Torch
Use paper towel tube and stickers or markers to decorate tube. Use red, yellow, and orange tissue paper inside one end of the tube. Secure it with glue or tape as needed.
Coloring pages (all ages)-
Use your Torches you just made to lead a march around the room. Ask your children these questions:
Is it easy for you to listen and obey?
How did Gideon listen to God in today’s story?
Who can you talk to and trust when you might be afraid?
Act the story out with your children. Use a fleece blanket or fabric to put on the ground. Use a spray bottle or pretend cut out water droplets.