Breaking News: Week 4
Our kids may not be absorbing the news cycle like adults are, but they are experiencing the news cycle through others around them. It’s tough to know what news is helpful and what news is true. This month, our families will have a chance to journey with a few prophets – Micah, Amos, Zephaniah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah – to discover news they can count on. Breaking News will help them develop a strong identity in an ever-changing world. We will learn that when things go wrong, they can choose what’s right; when they worship God, they can be sincere; when times are tough, they can count on God; when they are lost, God will guide them, and that they can be faithful just like God is faithful.
MEMORY VERSE: "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." 1 Corinthians 16:13
Click HERE to watch this month’s memory verse video!
When I am lost, God guides me
READ: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24
Preschool: Bible story
Elementary: Bible story
SONG: Through It All
DIY Sheep
Give each family member a sheep printable, a few cotton balls, and glue. Tell the kids to place the cotton balls on the sheep.
Today, we are going to talk about a shepherd taking care of sheep. Let’s make a sheep for you to take care of.
Glue the cotton balls onto the sheep to make it soft and fluffy. Now, don’t let your sheep get lost!
COLORING: coloring page
Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24
God spoke through Ezekiel, sharing a message of hope. Let’s think about it like this: God is the shepherd, and the people are God’s sheep. Sheep like to wander off, or follow the wrong person by mistake. Ezekiel was saying that God will always find us, and that we will be led to where we need to be.
Activity: (parent) Go to one end of the room and put on a blindfold. Tell your family they are going to help you make it from one end of the room to the other by giving you directions.
say: "I wonder if you can guide me. I am going to put this blindfold on and I want you to work together to tell me how to go to the other side of the room. Now remember, you have to keep me safe while you guide me...."
"Whew! I’m glad I made it safely to the other side of the room. That was hard, wasn’t it? It’s a good thing we have God to help us when we are lost. When I am lost, God guides me."
Dear God, thank you for being our shepherd. We sometimes feel like we’ve lost our way. When we feel lost, help us to remember that when we are lost, you guide us. Amen.
What can you tell me about Ezekiel?
What metaphor did God use to describe the people and their leaders?
How were the leaders being poor shepherds?
Let's look at Psalm 95:2. Why do you think we are instructed to "shout triumphantly to God?"
What are some ways we might feel lost?
When we are lost, what can we do?
How can we make sure we are listening to God?