11.6 Family Experience Resources

Breaking News: Week 2


Our kids may not be absorbing the news cycle like adults are, but they are experiencing the news cycle through others around them. It’s tough to know what news is helpful and what news is true. This month, our families will have a chance to journey with a few prophets – Micah, Amos, Zephaniah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah – to discover news they can count on. Breaking News will help them develop a strong identity in an ever-changing world. We will learn that when things go wrong, they can choose what’s right; when they worship God, they can be sincere; when times are tough, they can count on God; when they are lost, God will guide them, and that they can be faithful just like God is faithful.

MEMORY VERSE: "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." 1 Corinthians 16:13
Click HERE to watch this month’s memory verse video!

When I worship God, I can be sincere.

READ: Amos 5:18-24 


Preschool: teaching video

Elementary: teaching video

SONG: Through It All


Whole Heart Craft

INSTRUCTIONS: Print this heart and use colored pieces of construction paper to cut into pieces, and then glue those pieces onto their heart. When we worship God, we need to do it with our whole heart. So, cut your construction paper into a bunch of pieces. The pieces of the construction paper represent the things that make a “whole heart” — our actions, words, thoughts, and feelings.

Glue the pieces onto your paper until your whole heart is covered.

Let this remind you when you worship God, you can be sincere.

COLORING: coloring page


Read Amos 5:18-24 together.

God, through Amos, was letting the people of Israel know that they were not being sincere in their worship. They had forgotten to take care of each other and instead, chose not to help those in need.

Worship has always been about living out the words we sing to God. That’s what it means to be sincere.

Let's play a game. Give each person 10-15 seconds to

another family member a sincere compliment. The reciever of the compliment then has 10-14 seconds to do the same. Repeat this a few times to make sure everyone in the family recieved a sincere compliment or two!

God is happy when we treat others nicely. Let’s practice this by saying nice things about each other.


Dear God, thank you for the words you gave the prophet, Amos, and for showing us that our worship must be sincere. Teach us how to be kind and fair to everyone. Amen.


What can you tell me about Amos?

What was the breaking news Amos had for the people of Israel?

How did God expect the people of Israel to be sincere?

Let's look at Matthew 25:13. What do you think this verse has to do with what we heard about today?

Why do you think it was important for Amos to share this message with the people?

How do you think we can worship God sincerely?

How will you choose to show genuine worship to God this week?