2.27 Family Experience Resources



“We are always teaching our kids that we need to love God and love one another, but often times neglect to give them tangible ways to do so. In this series, we are going to examine a few of Jesus’ teachings in depth and discover practical ways we can demonstrate our love for God, family, friends, and enemies, too! Our hope is that by the end of this series, every family will be able to say, because God loves everyone, I can show God’s love by being kind, I can show God’s love even when it’s hard, and that ultimately, love is the best choice!”

We invite you to visit us on our Canyon Creek Project YouTube channel or Facebook live for Family Experience every Saturday morning at 11AM. 

February 27: “Love is the best choice”

The Greatest Commandment: Mark 12:28-34

Memory Verse: “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” 1 John 4:11

Theme Song

Coloring Page


Experience this lesson through family worship:

Read Mark 12:28-34; “We have been learning a lot about God's love this month. But now we need to figure out how do we love God? Today's Bible verse tells us to love God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength. That's pretty much saying, love God with EVERYTHING you have, right? But it doesn't stop there! Jesus tells us also to love our neighbor as ourselves... which is pretty much saying, love others with EVERYTHING, too!

Activity: Loving Our Neighbors

Go to the Compassion International website https://www.compassion.com/sponsor_a_child/view-all-children.htm

View a few of the children’s profiles, read about their different communities and countries. You could either browse through the site with your family. When Jesus tells us to love our neighbors, He’s not just talking about people who live near us. It means all people are our neighbors, even if they live in other parts of the world. These are some of our neighbors from other countries. What kinds of needs do you think they have? And what can we do to show them love? Remember —God loves everyone and God wants all of us to love everyone, too!

Additional Discussion Questions: 

  1. What does Jesus say is the greatest commandment?

  2. What about the second greatest commandment?

  3. How do we love God? How do we love our neighbors?

  4. Read Mark 12:31… Think of a time when you didn’t treat someone the way you would have wanted to be treated. If you come across a similar situation today, what would you do differently?

  5. What is something you can do to love God with all your heart and soul this week?

  6. What is something you can do to love God with all your mind and strength this week?

  7. Who is one person in your life who really needs God’s love? 

  8. What can you do for that person this week to love them as yourself?