NOT NORMAL WEEK 3: Jesus invites us to be like Him (Matthew 4:18-23)
Watch this week’s video
Why be like everyone else when we can be wacky, backward, and weird? We can try to blend in and be like everyone else, or we can stand up and stand out. After all, that’s what Jesus did! When Jesus showed up, His whole life seemed not-so-normal to most people. From His childhood to His early ministry, it was clear from the beginning that Jesus wasn’t like most people. In this 4-week series, families will examine the early life and ministry of Jesus as they discover that Jesus is not normal, that Jesus is God, that Jesus is perfect, and that Jesus invites us to be not-so-normal along with Him.
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March 27: Jesus invites us to be like Him
Jesus Calls the Disciples: Matthew 4:18-23
(Mark 8:34-36; Ephesians 5:1-2)
Memory Verse
—(elementary) All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. -2 Timothy 3:16 (NLT)
—(preschool) This is the day that the Lord has made. -Psalm 118:24a
Theme Song
Coloring page
Disciple: Google search an image of a fishing net and show your children.
ASK: What do you see in this picture?
What are some challenges of using a net versus using a fishing pole to catch fish?
What do you think it would be like for fishing to be your everyday job?
Read Matthew 4:18-23; Jesus encounters some normal men who caught fish for a job, and He called them to live a not normal life!
ASK: What do you think Jesus meant when He said they could be fishers of people? Jesus traveled around teaching and sharing the good news about God and His love. He healed people who were sick, helped people who needed help, and changed lives.
Jesus gave these men a chance to leave their normal lives and do something extraordinary, but they had to choose to follow Him for that to happen. Jesus invites us to do that, too.
ASK: What are some ways we can be like Jesus?
Activity: DIY Hovercraft
INSTRUCTIONS: Find a blank CD, a permanent marker, a balloon, a thumbtack, and a bottle cap. Use the thumbtack to poke four holes in each bottle cap. Next, glue the bottle cap to the hole in the middle of the CD. Then have your kids (or an adult) blow up the balloon and carefully place it over the bottle cap without tying it, then release the balloon. The balloon will cause the CD to float like a hovercraft.
Following Jesus is like following a leader who knows what’s ahead and what will be best. If we go our own way, we could really end up in a discouraging place!
The Holy Spirit lifts us up and guides us, kind of like this hovercraft, made in a not normal way!
Additional Discussion Questions:
Can you name the four men Jesus called to follow Him? (Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John.)
What did the men have in common? (They were fishermen.)
What did the men do when Jesus asked them to follow Him? (They dropped their nets and followed Jesus.)
Why do you think they dropped everything to follow Jesus?
What are some ways you can follow Jesus and be like Him?
READ SCRIPTURE | Ephesians 5:1-2
What does it mean to imitate God?
Is that always easy? Why not?
What does it mean to “walk in love”?