4.17 Family Experience Resources

Jesus gives us encouragement
Watch this week’s video

READ: The Miraculous Catch of Fish: John 21:1-17; (Psalm 4:1-3)

MEMORY VERSE: Romans 10:9
"If you declare with your mouth that "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

Grab your hiking boots and pitch a tent. It’s time to summit through the story of Jesus—who rose from death and gave us everything we need for our journey. This month, we’re learning about how the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection strengthens us and changes our relationships in the best way. Everyone will have a chance to put these ideas in their backpack to carry with them always: Jesus overcame death. Jesus connects us to each other. Jesus gives encouragement. We are stronger with Jesus.

You can now access the monthly resources on the GROW APP! Click HERE for all the details on how to access the app!

We invite you to visit us on our Canyon Creek Project YouTube channel or FaceBook live for Family Experience every Saturday morning at 11AM. 

Week 3 Resources

READ: The Miraculous Catch of Fish: John 21:1-17; (Psalm 4:1-3)

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnbsDl_CcVA

CRAFT: https://www.icanteachmychild.com/net-full-of-fish/

COLORING: https://www.religiousdoodles.com/disciples-coloring-pages.html


Gather your family and encourage them to play a few rounds of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" against each other, replacing the words with, "Rock, Paper, Cheerers." Whoever wins the round has to create a cheer for those who lost and chant it a few times. The game continues like this until every person has had a chance to cheer for everyone else. 

Explain that sometimes in life, things don't go like we would like them to and we can get disappointed.In those moments, Jesus will encourage us or send others to encourage us! 

In what ways can Jesus bring encouragement into your life? Make a list and help your children remember those things listed throughout the week when they may experience discouragement.

Pray with your family... "Dear God, thank you for encouraging us. You show us mercy and love even when we don't deserve it. Help us to show each other mercy. We want to be encouraging and loving like you. Amen"


* What did Peter do that made him discouraged?

* How many fish did the disciples catch before Jesus showed up?

* What did Jesus ask Peter when he made it back to shore and talked with him?

* Read Psalm 4:1. What can you do to find mercy and encouragement from God?

* What can you do to encourage someone who is feeling down?

* Can forgiving someone be a type of encouragement? How?

* When are some times you need encouragement? Where can you find it?