1.15 Family Experience Resources

A Day at the Museum: Week 3

Museums have the unique ability to transform learning! Instead of merely reading words on a page, we can experience them through all of our senses! A Day at the Museum is a series all about helping kids interact with the stories of Jesus and connecting them to God. Jesus’ life and early ministry helps all of us experience (see, hear . . . even taste!) and follow God in new, tangible, and real ways.

Click HERE to watch this month’s memory verse video

Jesus gives us a taste of God’s power

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

READ: Jesus Changes Water into Wine: John 2:1-11


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: To God Be The Glory

ACTIVITY: Read John 2:1-1; the story of Jesus's first miracle!

Ask, what miracle did Jesus performed? Turned the water to wine. That's right! By performing this miracle, Jesus gives us a taste of God's power. Have your children make this craft 

COLORING: Jesus Changes Water to Wine


Prepare a small cup for each family member with of kool-aid powder. Have water available.

Jesus performed an amazing miracle in today's Bible story. Do you remember what Jesus did? That's right! He turned water into wine. Believe it or not, I can do it, too! Okay, maybe not exactly how Jesus did it. But we can all make some punch today!

Next, pour a little water into each persons cup. Instruct them to mix it up with a plastic spoon.

It's so cool to see the water change right before our eyes! How do you think the master of the banquet felt when he learned Jesus turned water into a fancy drink?

Jesus actually changed water into a super fancy party drink/wine. What we did was just mix up some Kool-aid! Jesus did this because Jesus was filled with the power of God. Jesus gives us a taste of God's power when Jesus performed miracles that humans cannot do.

We may not be able to do miracles like Jesus but we can be brave and strong because we can trust in God's power!

Pray: Dear God, thank you for Jesus who shows us that you are powerful and can do amazing things! Help us to look for the many ways you show us your power! Amen.


What problem did the people at the wedding have?

Who went to Jesus for help? Why do you think she did that?

What miracle did Jesus perform?

Read Psalm 34:8. What do you think it means to “taste and see that the Lord is good?”

How do you know that the miracles Jesus did were only a “taste” of God’s power?

Which display of God’s power in your own life or from stories you’ve heard was the most surprising to you? Why?

What are some ways we can experience God’s power today?