Did You Know - Week 5
Did you know that the largest Easter egg in the world lives in Vegreville, Canada? Did you know that the most popular Easter candy in the world are Reese’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Eggs? There’s a ton of fun trivia around the theme of Easter but the best questions to ask your kids are about Jesus. Did you know we can love Jesus more than anything? Did you know Jesus is king over everything? Did you know Jesus is alive? Did you know we can trust Jesus? Whatever their answer, invite your family to go beyond the facts and win the grand prize of knowing Jesus for themselves!
Click HERE to watch this month’s memory verse video!
Did you know we can trust Jesus?
MEMORY VERSE: "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." II Peter 3:18a (NIV)
TODDLER TWIST: "Keep learning about Jesus love." II Peter 3:18
READ: Jesus Appears to His Disciples: John 20:19-31
Preschool- teaching video
Elementary- teaching video
SONG: Everybody Ought to Know
ACTIVITY: Review the Big Idea with your family: Did you know we can trust Jesus? Do a trust Walk together!
INSTRUCTIONS: Create an obstacle course with things you have in your environment. You can use chairs, tables, toys, plastic cups, hula hoops, etc.
Blindfold the family member that's trying the obstacle course and explain to them that they will have to trust you (or any other family member) to guide them safely through the obstacle course.
It was hard to trust me when you couldn’t see what was going on around you, right? But I got you safely across the obstacle course.
Did you know we can trust Jesus? Yes, we can!
Just like you couldn’t see me but trusted I would help you, Jesus will always guide you and be with you, even though you can’t see Jesus.
COLORING: Jesus Appears to His Disciples
DISCIPLE: Read today's Bible story; John 20:19-31;
Can you see the wind? No! But you can feel the wind on your face, can’t you? And you can see the trees swaying in the wind, right? God works the same way — we may not see God with our eyes, but there are all kinds of signs around us that tell us God is with us.
INSTRUCTIONS: Draw a large heart on a poster board. Leave a lot of space for your families to add to the heart. Sit in a circle and place the heart in the middle. Have crayons for everyone to use.
Sometimes, it’s really hard to trust Jesus because we can’t see Jesus with our eyes. But we have to choose every day to trust Jesus and believe Jesus wants the very best for us.
That’s why Jesus gives us people in our lives that we can see with our eyes! Can you name one person in your life you trust? Draw a picture of them inside this heart.
Pray: Dear God, thank you for sending us Jesus! Thank you for reminding us how much you love each of us. Help us to always trust you. Amen.
What happened while the disciples were together in a locked room?
How did the disciples react?
What did Thomas say when the others told him about what they had seen?
Read Acts 4:19-20. What could Peter and John not stop talking about?
How do you choose who you can and who you can’t trust?
In what ways do you show someone you trust them?
What are some things you can trust Jesus with today?