Famous - Week 2
When we feel alone, God gives us friends!
Lots of kids dream about becoming famous . . . and why shouldn’t they? It sounds awesome to have fans who celebrate your wins with you! On the flip side, it would be pretty tough to have people always watching, even when you’re not having the best day. In Famous, we are going to talk about a family in the Bible who lived in such a spotlight. Through their stories, our kids will learn that no matter our celebrity status, we can make things right, God gives us friends, we can ask for God’s guidance, and we can give God what we have.
Click HERE to watch this month’s memory verse video!
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" 1 Corinthians 10:31
Toddler Twist: "Praise God in all you do!" 1 Corinthians 10:31
MV COLORING PAGE: 1 Corinthians 10:31
READ: Adonijah Tries to Become King: I Kings 1:5-14; 29-35
Preschool- Teaching Video
Elementary- Teaching Video
SONG: In You Alone
Read I Kings 1:5-14; 29-35. Then, listen to “Famous For (I Believe)” by Tauren Wells.
Can you think of what Jesus was famous for when Jesus was here on Earth?
When Jesus was here on Earth, everyone knew about Jesus and the things Jesus could do. Jesus was famous! But even Jesus felt alone. When Jesus was praying in the garden before being arrested, Jesus asked friends to pray, but they fell asleep. When Jesus was captured, all the friends ran away.
So, Jesus really gets what being alone is like — Jesus has been there! And because Jesus loves us, Jesus doesn’t leave us to stay alone whenever we are experiencing loneliness.
Today’s Big Idea reminds us that when we feel alone, God gives us friends. And sometimes, the friends God gives us might not be the friends you expected. Even when your best friend might not agree with you, there is always a friend that will help you — God makes sure of that.
Draw a picture of you with your friends. Think of a time when a friend helped you to not feel alone anymore. If you can’t think of one, think of your favorite thing to do with your friends. As you draw your picture, silently thank God for giving you your friends. They may not be perfect, but they might be exactly who you need. When we feel alone, God gives us friends.
What did Adonijah do that he didn’t have permission to do?
What advice did Nathan give Bathsheba?
What did David do when he heard what Adonijah had done?
Read Ephesians 5:2. How can you “walk in the way of love” for the people in your life?
What are some things you do when you feel alone?
Name a few people in your life you know will always be there for you.
Why is it better to tell someone about what you’re going through when you’re feeling sad, lonely, or helpless?