1.11 Family Experience Resources

Camp Believe It - Week 2

People love camping, and for good reason! You can take in nature, practice special skills, or just take time to relax in a new environment. And when it comes to camping, no one loved it as much as John the Baptist. In this 4-week series, our families will hear about John the Baptist's special role in preparing the way for Jesus and his ministry. John's story will help kids to say their camp motto, "I believe God gives me purpose. I believe God can speak to me. I believe God is powerful. I believe God's words are true."

BIG IDEA: I believe God can speak to me.


BIBLE: The Baptism Of Jesus: Luke 3:2–3, 21–22; Psalm 29:3–9



Elementary:   "We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God." John 6:69


Toddler Twist: "We believe and know that you are God!" John 6:69



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Same Power and This I Believe



Show your family this video of birds and their distinct calls. 


One popular outdoor activity is birding. That's when you go out and try to identify the different birds you encounter. When you can see the birds, you might be able to tell what kind they are, but what about when you can't see them clearly?


Some people can recognize birds by the sounds they make.

  • What are some sounds that birds make? Some sounds are chirping, screeching, cawing, quacking, clucking, and even singing.

  • How can you recognize a bird just by the sound it makes? You have to be familiar enough with a bird's call to recognize it, so you can study bird calls and learn them.

  • How might we learn to recognize when God speaks to us? We can read the Bible and learn how God speaks to people. Sometimes it's through other people.

Just like birds and their unique sounds, we are all uniquely different. But no matter how different we are, God still speaks to every one of us.


And just like we can become familiar with the unique sounds of birds, the voice of God can become familiar to us when we make time to know God. We can do this by reading and memorizing Scripture, talking to God in prayer, quietly being with God, and thinking about what is true about God. The more time we spend with God, the more likely we are to know God's voice. I believe God can speak to me.

Pray: God, whether it's through a mighty thunderous voice or in gentle whispers, we believe that you can and do speak to us. Thank you for loving us that much. Help us to know and hear your voice and to learn to listen when you speak to us. Amen.

Parent Devotional