10.19 Family Experience Resources

Are We There Yet? - Week 3

Can you imagine needing to walk through the desert? You’d be surrounded by cacti, sand, snakes, and more sand. With the heat of the sun, we’d wind up so thirsty and wondering “Are we there yet?” That’s probably how the Israelites felt as they wandered around the desert, waiting to enter the Promised Land. But no matter how tired our feet get, we can focus on what’s happening in our lives right now rather than just on where we’re going. In this five-week series based on stories from Exodus, our families will explore how we can choose to be thankful, love God and others, turn to God when we’re lost, go to God when we need rest, and remember God’s promises.

BIG IDEA: We can turn to God when we’re lost.

BIBLE: Exodus 32:1–14; Philippians 4:4–9



Elementary:   "I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19B  (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Jesus makes a way for me!" Isaiah 43:19



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Way Maker and Same God


DISCIPLE: Read or summarize Exodus 32:1-14

Play this modified version of "Simon Says." Give your family commands where every movement is designed to get them to a specific destination ("Take two steps to the left," "Hop once to the front," "Turn to your right"). Your family has to follow every command preceded by "Siri Says" but must ignore the others. Anyone who moves when they're not supposed to has to sit down. 

If we were ever lost in the desert, that would be bad news because there aren't a lot of places where we can stop and ask for directions. Now if we had some sort of smart device with a maps app and GPS, we'd have a better chance of finding our way. We could be like, "Hey Siri, where am I?" and right then and there, we'd have help!

When Moses was up on that mountain, God's people got worried and lost. They immediately started turning to other solutions when they could have paused and said, "Hey God, where are you?" We can turn to God when we're lost and trust that God will not only find us, but also give us directions to our destination.