1.28 Family Experience Resources


“When I’m older!” “When I’m taller!” Every kid is excited to grow up — even if it’s just to finally ride that big kid roller coaster they’ve had their eye on. This four-week series is about another kid who grew up — Jesus! Through stories from Jesus’ early life and ministry, our kids will learn five important truths to help them continue growing: God guides us to safety, we can love God with our actions, we can follow Jesus, and God makes us ready at the right time.

READ: The Baptism of Jesus: John 1:29–42; Psalm 40:8–11


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG:  I Believe in Jesus

COLORING: Baptism of Jesus


Ask your family this. If you could choose one person to be when you grow up, who would you choose? Why? What do you admire about that person?

Maybe the person you chose is rich, famous, compassionate, extremely smart, or hilarious. Maybe you admire what they invented or how they treated others.

Whatever it may be that makes that person special or unique to you, there is someone even more worthy of following. Let’s talk about him.

Read John 1:29-42. Just like how Andrew brought Simon to Jesus, our pastors, Bible teachers, parents, adults in our lives, or friends may help bring us to Jesus!

Once you start following Jesus, you can help your friends by bringing them to Jesus, too.

Pray: Dear God, thank you for sending your son to this world to save us from our sins and to show us how to live for you. We want to follow Jesus because we know that following Jesus is the way to you. We hope that our lives will lead others to follow you, too. Amen.


  • Who is the one John said will baptize with the Holy Spirit?

  • What was the first thing Andrew did after he began following Jesus?

  • What words did John use to describe Jesus?

  • Read Psalm 40:10. What is one way you can speak of God's faithfulness and saving help? 

  • Who do you follow?

  • In what ways do you follow Jesus?

  • How can you show someone else what it means to follow Jesus?