4.15 Family Experience Resources

Rise & Shine - Week 3

On a farm, life has a daily rhythm (for plants, animals, and people, too). “Life” is what this series is all about, because we’re talking about Easter and Jesus’ triumph over death! In this five-week series, our kids will explore the stories leading up to and following Easter Sunday. Together, we’ll discover we can stick with Jesus even when our days are dark, and that because Jesus is alive, we can spend our days meeting with him, trusting he’s there for us, and sharing his love — not just today, but every day!

BIG IDEA: I can meet with Jesus every day.


READ: Jesus Appears to the Disciples: John 20:19-31; I Peter 1:3-9




"He is not here; He has risen!!" Luke 24:6 (NIV)


Toddler Twist: 

"He isn't here, He's risen!" Luke 24:6



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG:  Light of the world and Glorious Day


COLORING: Luke 24:6



Read John 20:19-31 together. Thomas and all the disciples were overjoyed that Jesus was back with them. Jesus made sure all his friends got to see him with their own eyes!


(Tell a story about a friend you cherish (or take turns telling about your friends). Why is that friendship so important to you? How do you know that friend will always be there for you?)


In our story today Jesus physically appeared to his friends to comfort them when they were sad, and to tell them that he would send the Holy Spirit to always be with them.


Even though Jesus isn’t physically with us today, we have the same Holy Spirit with us when need comfort. When we are scared or lonely, we can pray to Jesus telling him how we feel, and the Holy Spirit will give us comfort and peace in our bodies. Another way that we can meet with Jesus is through other people.

Even though we don’t see Jesus, we can trust that he’s there and wants to hear from us. But we have to make the effort to meet with him. Jesus loves us so much that he loves being with us, and loves taking great care of us. I can meet with Jesus every day!


If you were spending time with a great friend and wanted to get to know them better, what questions would you ask them?


Pray: Dear Jesus, thank you for never being too far from us. You are always standing by and ready to meet with us. Help us to spend more time with you. Thank you for everything you have done. Amen.


  • Why do you think Jesus said to his friends, "Peace be with you"?

  • What did Thomas say when the others told him about Jesus?

  • Why do you think Jesus appeared to the disciples a second time?

  • Read 1 Peter 3:8. What words stuck out to you in this verse?

  • What are some things we can do to meet with Jesus every day?

  • Why is meeting with Jesus important?

  • How can we help others meet with Jesus?