4.28 Family Experience Resources

Rise & Shine - Week 5

On a farm, life has a daily rhythm (for plants, animals, and people, too). “Life” is what this series is all about, because we’re talking about Easter and Jesus’ triumph over death! In this five-week series, our kids will explore the stories leading up to and following Easter Sunday. Together, we’ll discover we can stick with Jesus even when our days are dark, and that because Jesus is alive, we can spend our days meeting with him, trusting he’s there for us, and sharing his love — not just today, but every day!

BIG IDEA: I can share God's love every day.


READ: Jesus Restores Peter: John 21:1-17; John 10:1-10




"He is not here; He has risen!!" Luke 24:6 (NIV)


Toddler Twist: 

"He isn't here, He's risen!" Luke 24:6



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG:  Light of the world and Glorious Day


COLORING: Luke 24:6



Read John 21:1-17 together. Saying I love you and acting like you love someone are two different things. Jesus was showing the difference. Jesus showed us he loved us by dying on the cross and rising again. Now Jesus was telling Peter to show that he loved Jesus by taking care of others.

Show a video about farm vehicles and machines. Talk about how each helps farmers with

their work. Farmers use various equipment to help them do tasks around the farm. As you might have noticed, they’re not just little wheelbarrows and wagons. Some of these are heavy-duty equipment!

When it comes to the task of sharing God’s love with others, we can do better than little wheelbarrows and wagons — meaning, we can do more than just the bare minimum. We can share God’s love by actually doing some heavy lifting . . . by caring for them!

How do we start taking care of someone else?

What are questions we could ask them?

Jesus did the same for Peter by helping him cast off that giant burden he had been carrying around since denying Jesus. Then he invited him to do the same for others.


Pray: Jesus, thank you for taking such good care of me. Remind me that I can use my hands and feet to help others. Help me to see those who need help and give me courage to help them. Give me courage to share your love with them. Amen.


  • Why do you think the disciples were fishing instead of waiting for Jesus?

  • What did Peter do when he recognized Jesus on the shore? Why would he do that? 

  • When Jesus tells Peter to feed his sheep, what is he asking Peter to do?

  • Read John 10:4. Who is the shepherd and who are the sheep in this verse?

  • Can you think of a time someone shared God's love with you? What did they do or say?

  • What is one way you can share God's love with someone?

  • When we share God's love, God's love spreads. Where is a place you can spread God's love?