9.30 Family Experience Resources

Hear Me Roar - Week 1

There’s a reason lions are symbols of courage — even their roars (which can be heard up to five miles away) tell us how strong they are! And because of God’s promises, we can be as strong and bold as lions, too. In this five-week series, our kids will learn important truths from the life of Daniel they’ll want to shout (or roar!), like how we don’t have to give up and don’t have to feel alone. Instead, we can keep learning and not be afraid, even when we don’t know the future. Why? Because God is with us!

BIG IDEA: I won’t give up — God is with me!
READ: Babylonian Captivity: Daniel 1; Lamentations 3:19-26


Elementary: “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.” Nahum 1:7 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God loves us and protects us." Nahum 1:7



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: 10,000 Armies and God is With Me



Ask: Have you ever faced something so difficult that you decided to give up?

Sometimes, we want to give up when things are too hard! Sometimes, we may even want to give up on following God when things are difficult. I bet Daniel and his friends felt that way too when they found themselves far away from home, in Babylon, being forced to work for King Nebuchadnezzar! But they didn’t give up because they knew God was with them.

Who are the people in your life who help you feel brave and give you the courage to keep going? God doesn’t often hold up a megaphone and give us instructions or encouragement that we can hear. But, God does speak to us through other people, through the Bible, and by providing us wisdom as we make important decisions. God is with us and gives us the courage to persevere, even when we feel discouraged.

How do you know that God is with you?

INSTRUCTIONS: Show the video of the song, “Try Everything,” from Zootopia. 

This theme song from the movie “Zootopia” is called “Try Everything.” Do you think that it means we should literally try everything? Probably not, right? We could get ourselves into a lot of trouble or danger if we did that! What this song tells us is what we’ve learned all along today — to not give up and to give everything we do our best shot.

Just like the song says, we can say it, too: “I won’t give up, no I won’t give in, ‘til I reach the end . . . and then I’ll start again.”

What’s something you won’t give up on because God is with you?

Pray: God, thank you that you are with me. Even when things are difficult, you encourage me and remind me that I can do it! Even when it seems like a door is locked in my life, you help me open it or find a new way out. This gives me strength, courage, and hope! Your compassion never fails. I won’t give up, because you are with me! Amen.



  • How did Daniel and his friends end up in Babylon?

  • What did the four of them do differently from others who were brought to Babylon?

  • What happened because of this choice they made?

  • Read Lamentations 3:21–22. What does the writer of this Scripture say is our reason for hope?

  • What are some things you put your hope in? Winning? Attention? Friendships?

  • Was there a time you made a different choice than those around you because it was the right one? Was it difficult?

  • What helped you to not give up?