10.29 Family Experience Resources

Hear Me Roar - Week 5

There’s a reason lions are symbols of courage — even their roars (which can be heard up to five miles away) tell us how strong they are! And because of God’s promises, we can be as strong and bold as lions, too. In this five-week series, our kids will learn important truths from the life of Daniel they’ll want to shout (or roar!), like how we don’t have to give up and don’t have to feel alone. Instead, we can keep learning and not be afraid, even when we don’t know the future. Why? Because God is with us!

BIG IDEA: I don’t know the future but I know God is with me!
READ: Daniel’s Dream: Daniel 7; 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4



Elementary: “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.” Nahum 1:7 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God loves us and protects us." Nahum 1:7



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: 10,000 Armies and God is With Me



Gather your family together. Give them paper and drawing supplies. While they work, play a song that speaks to this week’s Big Idea, like “Won’t Worry ‘Bout a Thing” (Lifetree Kids). 

When you think about the future, what makes you feel insecure or nervous? Draw a picture that represents your fears or worries.

Now write God in giant letters on top of your drawing. How do you feel about these so-called giants now, knowing God is even bigger than these unknown things?

Pray: God, the Bible says you are the beginning and the end, which means you are, you have, and you always will be with us. You have taken care of me in the past, so I can trust you will help me with whatever comes next. I don’t know the future, but I can live with peace and confidence because I know you are with me! Amen.



  • When Daniel was troubled about what he saw, what did he do?

  • Did Daniel know exactly what would happen with the four beasts?

  • Since he didn’t get to see what happened next, what helped Daniel as he thought about the future?

  • Read 2 Thessalonians 1:1–4. In what ways did Paul, Silas, and Timothy encourage their friends who may have been worried about the future?

  • What is your biggest dream for the future?

  • What about the future makes you feel the most uncomfortable?

  • What can help us feel better about facing unknown situations?