11.25 Family Experience Resources

Behind the scenes - Week 4

The most important part of any play is what happens “behind the scenes.” There’s lighting, wardrobe, casting, playwriting — so much has to happen perfectly to bring the production together! In the story of Esther, there is a whole lot going on behind the scenes, too. In this four-week series, our families will discover the most important character in Esther’s story isn’t always center-stage, but can often be found behind the scenes working, helping, giving support and giving peace. (Spoiler alert: It's God!)

BIG IDEA: God gives us peace behind the scenes.
READ: Scene IV. Esther Talks to the King: Esther 5:1-8, 7:1-6; 8:1-8; Psalm 122:6-9



Elementary: "For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose." Phillipians 2:13 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God has good plans for us!" Philippians 2:13



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Million Little Miracles and How Amazing



Tell a short story about a time you experienced when you really didn’t have peace. Maybe

it’s a time when you were a teenager and you were in an argument with friends. Maybe it’s a time you were job hunting and you were worried about making ends meet. Describe ways God gave you peace through that time (or how God could have if you knew then what you know now). Talk about the people, places, and things God used to bring stillness to whatever chaos you were facing.

We’ll always face moments in our lives like these where peace is hard to find. The peace that God gives, however, doesn’t rely on what’s going on around us.

God reminds us we’re safe and loved and we don’t need to worry. In fact, we can take all our worries to God in exchange for God’s peace.


Pray: God, thank you for giving us peace behind the scenes. Sometimes, it feels like things around us are really chaotic and it’s easy to get into disagreements with people. But even when things get really tough, you are working behind the scenes to give us peace. Thank you for helping me and everyone in my life to have peace during the times when we all need it most. Help us to be peacemakers and peace givers. Amen.



  • How was Esther risking her life to talk to the king? 

  • What did Esther ask the king first? Why do you think she did that? 

  • How did Esther and Mordecai's actions help bring peace to their people? 

  • Read Psalm 122:8. What do you think it means to have peace within us? How does that help our family and friends? 

  • How has God given you peace in the past? Or what is one thing you'd like to pray to God about to give you peace? 

  • What are some situations we might find ourselves in where we would need to be the ones to make peace? 

  • What is one thing you can do this week to invite God's peace into your life?