12.9 Family Experience Resources

City of Angels - Week 2

Why are there so many Christmas songs about angels? Because angels show up all throughout the Christmas story with great news! In this series, our kids will explore the foundational stories of Jesus’ birth with a focus on the angels who were there to witness them! From the city where Jesus was born, to the cities we live in today, the angels’ message is just as important now as it was then! Jesus is God’s plan, calms our fears, makes everything new, and is God’s love for everyone.

BIG IDEA: Jesus calms our fears.
THE BIBLE: An Angel Appears to Mary: Luke 1:26—38, 46b—55; Isaiah 35:1—4 



Elementary: "But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid . I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people." Luke 2:10 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Good news brings great joy!" Luke 2:10



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Celebrate, Hark the Herald, Born Is The King



Read Luke 1:26-38. Pass out blank Christmas cards or postcards and have you family write one word that will help them remember today’s Bible story. Encourage them to decorate the card and make it colorful. Gabriel’s message to Mary, while a little frightening in the beginning, ended up being a joyful one. Jesus was coming to Earth and Mary was going to play a big part in making that happen.

What one word will help you remember this week’s Bible story?

Keep this word visible throughout the week to remember the angel’s message and what it meant for the whole world.

Pray: God, thank you for giving us Jesus, who calms our fears. Just like Mary did when she knew Jesus would be coming soon, help us to turn our fears into joy by trusting in you. Because of Jesus, we know we can stay calm when we get scared. Amen.



  • How did Mary react when she saw the angel, Gabriel?

  • What reason did the angel give to Mary about why she was chosen to be Jesus’ mother?

  • What did the angel say Jesus would be like? 

  • Read Luke 1:38. What do you think it means to be a servant of God?

  • Why do you think Mary stopped being afraid about the message the angel brought her?

  • What is one way you normally handle fear?

  • In what ways does Jesus calm our fears?