3.9 Family Experience Resources

Glow in the dark - Week 2

In the dark, a world of neon colors comes to life. Whether it’s the soft green of glow-in-the-dark stars or the bright colors of bioluminescent creatures, light can break through the darkness. When the world needed some light, God sent Jesus because he glows in the dark, and he can teach us how to shine with God’s light, too! In this five-week series through the Gospels, we’ll follow Jesus’ life leading up to Easter to see some of the ways he can shine bright in our lives. As we explore, we’ll see Jesus is the light in the darkness. We’ll also learn how we can choose Jesus and know God hears our cries while celebrating how Jesus died and rose again!

BIG IDEA: Jesus is the light in the darkness.


BIBLE: Mark 14:12–26; John 3:16–21



Elementary: "The Lord is my light and salvation- whom shall I fear?" Psalm 27:1a (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "God is with me- I am not scared." Psalm 27:1



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, and Light of the World 



Show this video (start at 6:37) as a simple object lesson that shows how light flows — it even bends and goes through water. Then have your family try "catching the light" using a similar setup to this video. 

No matter how dark it seems, the light of Jesus shines. Nothing stops the light. 

Can you stop the light? Nope, you can't stop the light.

How does this remind you of the light of Jesus?

Let's all try to catch the light in our hands to remember to hold onto Jesus. Jesus is the light in the darkness. 


Pray: Thank you, God, for sending Jesus. Thank you for his light shining in our lives and reminding each of us that your light is always with us. Even when things seem dark, your light shines bright! Amen.



  • What were Jesus and his disciples doing in today's Bible story? They were sharing a meal for Passover, the Festival of Unleavened Bread.

  • What did Jesus say that was surprising to his disciples? Jesus said that one of the disciples at that table would betray him.

  • What did the bread and the cup mean? They stood for Jesus' body and blood. It was meant as a way for them to remember Jesus after he died.

  • Read John 3:16–17. How did God light up the darkness by sending Jesus? Instead of allowing the world to stay in darkness, God sent Jesus to save the world.

  • When things start to feel dark — when you feel frightened or lost — what do you normally do?

  • What does it mean for Jesus to be your light in any kind of darkness?

  • Who else in your life needs to know about the light of Jesus?