ONE small step - Week 1
Astronaut Neil Armstrong once said landing on the moon was “one small step for man.” The biggest adventures start in such a simple way — especially when it comes to space! Asteroids, distant planets, and brand new galaxies await us once we leave earth’s atmosphere. Being the first to explore such uncharted territory can be intimidating. In this four-week series, our families will take a look at the Book of Acts to learn from the first Christians. Through their stories of faith and bravery, our kids will learn how to take the first step of believing in Jesus, the next step of praying for others, and an even bigger step of trusting the Holy Spirit makes us brave. But they won’t want to skip the last step of telling others about Jesus.
BIG IDEA: Take the first step — believe in Jesus.
BIBLE: Acts 1:1–11; 1 John 5:1–6
Elementary: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalms 19:1 (NIV)
Toddler Twist: "God's creation shows his power." Hebrews 13:8
Preschool- teaching video
Elementary- teaching video
SONG: Every Move I Make, and Step by Step
Play a short clip from a video like this one (0:25-1:33) of the Apollo 11 moonwalk. For more information on how to legally use copyrighted material for educational purposes, read this!
The Apollo 11 moonwalk happened in 1969, more than 50 years ago.
Even after seeing the footage for ourselves, it's hard for us to imagine that happening so long ago and so far away! But we can trust those who were there and experienced firsthand what it was like. We can hear it from even more recent sources as the Artemis mission to return to the moon is completed.
Jesus walked this Earth, traveling from town to town, teaching everyone about God and how much God loves us. This was thousands of years ago! We weren't there, but we can trust the people who were there and experienced Jesus firsthand.
Take the first step — believe in Jesus.
Pray: God, thank you for giving us your only son to bring us closer to you. Help each of us to have the courage to take our first step by believing in Jesus. Be with us through the questions and doubts. Guide us as we take the next steps in our new life with you. Amen.
What did Jesus tell the disciples would happen when they were filled with the Holy Spirit? They will be witnesses and messengers for Jesus all over the world.
What do you think it means to be a witness for Jesus? To tell others about Jesus and everything he has done.
What promise were the disciples given after Jesus went up to heaven? That he will come back in the same way.
Read 1 John 5:5. How do we overcome the world? What do you think it means to overcome the world? By believing Jesus is the son of God. To not be defeated by the pressures, fears, and worries of life but to hold onto our trust in God.
What are some questions you have that would help you believe in Jesus?
What is one thing you love about Jesus?
How can you help others take their first step and believe in Jesus?