6.24 Family Experience Resources

Make it or break it - Week 4

Whether it’s with LEGO bricks, Minecraft, or Roblox, our kids (and us!) love to make things — and sometimes break them. In this four-week series from the very beginning of the Bible, we’ll compare God’s ability to make good things with our tendency to break them. Through the stories of creation, the fall, Cain and Abel, and the Tower of Babel, we’ll see that God makes good things, unbreaks what’s been broken, and made us different on purpose, so we should honor God with the things we make.

BIG IDEA: We can honor God with the things we make.

READ: The Tower of Babel: Genesis 11:1-9; Matthew 10:32-33




"For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything." Hebrews 3:4 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: 

"God made everything!" Hebrews 3:4



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: When I Look and All Good

COLORING: Hebrews 3:4



Show your family an item someone made for you, such as a sweater, a quilt, a picture of a room someone decorated for you, or show an item you made for someone else. Share about the person, the item, and what it meant to receive or give it as it relates to God being honored. Invite your kiddos to share their experience. Making something with love takes time and intention, which means we do it with purpose . . . not just putting something together meaninglessly.

We can honor God with the things we make. When we make things with love, God's love is reflected in that. Any time that God is on display, it honors God!
Pray: Dear God, thank you for giving us the ability to make things that honor you. Help us find ways to show everyone how good you are to us through everything we make, everything we say, and everything we do. Amen.


  • What did the people decide to build? 

  • Why did they want to build this? 

  • What did God do to stop them? Why did God do this? 

  • Read Matthew 10:32. Can you think of a way you can acknowledge God in front of others?

  • What do you think it means to honor God?

  • Why do you think it's important to honor God?

  • What is one way you can honor God with the things you make, say, or do this week?