5.13 Family Experience Resources

Heroic - Week 2

Every kid wishes they had superpowers, but with Jesus, we don’t need x-ray vision or invisibility to be heroes! In this four-week series, our kids will hear stories about the heroes of the Early Church — the apostles and disciples who used their unique abilities to spread the good news of Jesus. Through their stories, we’ll see that anyone can do great things for God because God gives everyone a mission, the Holy Spirit gives us power, and we’re heroic when we work as a team!

BIG IDEA: God gives everyone a mission. 

READ: Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit: John 14:15–21; Matthew 28:18–20



"The spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline." 

2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: 

"Jesus gives me power, love, and self-control." 2 Timothy 1:7


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Fly and I Believe

COLORING: 2 Timothy 1:7


Show this poster of Spider-Man. Spider-Man as Peter Parker was once told by his Uncle Ben: “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Has Jesus given us power? Yes, he has! But power to do what? We have been given great power to be like Jesus and to do the things he did while he was on the earth. Part of the great things Jesus always did wherever he went was to love others and to show God’s goodness to everyone he met.

So what do you think our responsibility is because we’ve been given power from Jesus? Do you remember our Big Idea? That’s right: God gives everyone a mission. Our responsibility is to carry out God’s mission, to try to love others with Jesus’ love, to speak and act as he did. We can’t do this on our own strength and by our own power. He will help us every time we ask him!
Pray: Help me, God, to show my love for you when I obey. With the Holy Spirit’s help, I’ll follow all your ways. There will be many challenges and even opposition, But you give me strength to face them all and carry out my mission! Amen.


  • What did Jesus say his followers should do if they love him?

  • Who was Jesus going to send to his followers once he left?

  • How does Jesus describe what the Holy Spirit would do?

  • Read Matthew 28:19–20. These verses are known as the Great Commission, which contains the final instructions Jesus gave his friends. What were they?

  • How would you explain to someone the mission Jesus has given you?

  • What is one thing you can do this week that will help you carry out your mission?

  • Is your mission the same as your neighbor's? In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different?