“Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:18

In Lloyd John Ogilvie’s book, Quiet Moments With God, I found this meaningful prayer.

“Dear God, so often in my prayers I present You with my own agenda. I ask for guidance, and strength, and courage to do what I’ve already decided. Usually, what I have in mind is to receive from You what I think I need to get on with my prearranged plans. Often I present my shopping list of the blessings that I have in mind for my projects, many of which I may not have checked out with You in the first place. Sometimes I have little time to talk to You or listen to You. Any blessing I receive is empty unless I also receive a deeper fellowship with You.”
--Lloyd John Ogilvie

Ogilvie’s books have brought encouragement to me in times of trouble, answers in times of questioning, hope in times of hopelessness, and challenge in times of complacency. One of the things I most treasure about this particular book is the help it has brought me with my prayer life. I have always struggled with prayer, but this book reminded me that the secret to prayer is simply praying at all times. “Praying at all times” worked for Dr. Ogilvie. I want it to work for me, too.

Here is the rest of Dr. Ogilvie’s prayer. I think I will make it mine for today.

“Help me to think of prayer throughout this day as simply reporting in for duty and asking for fresh marching orders. I want to be all that You want me to be, and I want to do what You have planned for me. May this morning prayer be the beginning of a conversation with You that lasts all through the day. Help me to attempt something I could not do without Your power. You are my Lord and Savior. Amen.”

With Love,