This week in our FAMILY EXPERIENCE LIVE video, we begin our brand-new series, AMAZED: God of Miracles, which focuses on the life of the prophet, Elijah! We learn that GOD TAKES CARE OF ME and hear a story about how God took care of Elijah during a very difficult time in his life.
Watch this week’s video to find out more & be sure to keep scrolling down in this post to view all of the resources for this week!
Amazed- week 1 “It’s amazing! God takes care of me.”
1 Kings 17:1-6- God provides for Elijah
Memory Verse:
Deuteronomy 7:21 “The Lord your God, who is present with you, is a great and awesome God.”
Family Worship songs:[‘
Family Worship Craft:
Raven paper bag puppet
paper lunch bag
black, yellow, and white construction paper
Instructions: print template from link above, trace and cut out template on black paper, trace and cut out child’s hands on black paper (these will be birds wings), glue all pieces together as shown from this link
Family Worship Activity:
1. Find a box of any size… as a family wrap it with wrapping paper but leave the lid free to open. Place inside some special strips of paper. Take turns writing ways that God is amazing and taking care of you. Think of some everyday things that God does for your family and then think back in your life and write share something big that God has done for you.
Remind your kiddos of our bible verse this month- “The lord your God, who is present with you, is a great and awesome God.” And He will take care of you just like he did Elijah.
2. Use old magazines to have children cut out pictures of food, house, water, clothing, etc. Glue pictures on construction paper. Write at the top “God takes care of us!”