9.26 Family Experience Live!

This week in our FAMILY EXPERIENCE LIVE video, we finish our series, WISE! We learn that WE CAN ASK GOD OUR QUESTIONS and hear a story about a man named Nehemiah who had a big and important question!

Watch this week’s video to find out more & be sure to keep reading this post for the list of resources mentioned in the video (praise songs, crafts, etc..)

Click HERE to watch the video


Wise- week 4- We can ask God our questions.

Nehemiah Asks to Rebuild the Wall: Nehemiah 2:1-20

August Memory Verse:

James 1:5

Family Worship songs: 



Family Worship Craft: 

Coloring page


Craft sticks


Brown or grey paint

Family Worship Activity: 

We live in a generation where answers are at our fingertips... literally. We can find the answer to almost anything within minutes…. but there are life questions that the Internet can’t always answer. Like, How can I get better from this illness I’m suffering? Or I’m struggling to understand why my friends aren’t so friendly to me anymore? These are real questions that only God can answer and in His time. 

Spend some time this week thinking of some trivia questions you’ve always wanted to know the answers to. (For example, how deep can a humpback whale swim before taking a breath? Or how many people can fit in the Sistine chapel?)... make a list of 8-10 questions and then look the answers up with your families. It was good to have immediate answers, right?! 

Then, share some questions you have with your family that God can only answer. Ask your children if they have any questions for God. Have a special prayer time with your families asking God those questions. Be sure to thank God for his trustworthiness to answer these questions in his perfect time.