1.2 Family Experience Bible Story


“With the holiday season having just passed by, most kids still have the concept of giving and receiving gifts fresh on their minds. While many, if not all, of the gifts that were unboxed at Christmas will eventually fall into disrepair, gifts given by God will never fade! Through this “Unboxed” series, kids will discover what kinds of gifts those are, starting with the fact that everyone has special gifts! Then they will see how God can use those gifts to help others, among those gifts being special blessings from God, as well. Our gifts help us care about what God cares about, by focusing on heavenly things, and we can trust God with our gifts when we offer it up cheerfully!”

We invite you to join us on our YouTube channel (Canyon Creek Project) or Facebook live for Family Experience every Saturday at 11AM. Experience worship as a family through praising with your voice and watching and listening to the weekly lesson come alive!

January 2: “Everyone has special gifts”

Spiritual Gifts: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11

Click HERE to watch the weekly video

Memory Verse:

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.” 1 Peter 4:10

Experience this lesson through family worship:

Activity 1: Made with Gifts

  • INSTRUCTIONSGet sticky notes in assorted colors and give a few of each color to each family member. Then when you say go, have each family member go around and put sticky notes on each other!

  • “Look around! Is there anyone who doesn't have a sticky note on them? No! Just like how everyone has special gifts from God!”

Activity 2: Hot Potato Gift Edition

  • INSTRUCTIONSLike the game, Hot Potato, your family is going to pass around a gift-wrapped box to show that sometimes we get a gift and sometimes we give a gift away. Make sure the kids pass the gift nicely. Play music as the kids pass the box and stop it occasionally. Whoever is holding the box when the music stops is out of the game. Repeat until there is a winner. To take this activity to the next level, consider putting little treats or toys in the box. The winner gets to pass it out to everyone! Or, each time the music stops, whoever is holding the box gets a gift before they are out of the game.

  • There are two ways we use gifts. We can either give them to someone or we can get a gift from someone.

  • Have you ever given someone a gift?