1.9 Family Experience Story/Resources

THIS WEEK, we continue our January Family Experience series, UNBOXED.

We invite you to join us on our YouTube channel (Canyon Creek Project) or Facebook live for Family Experience every Saturday at 11AM. Experience worship as a family through praising with your voice and watching and listening to the weekly lesson come alive!

“With the holiday season having just passed by, most kids still have the concept of giving and receiving gifts fresh on their minds. While many, if not all, of the gifts that were unboxed at Christmas will eventually fall into disrepair, gifts given by God will never fade! Through this “Unboxed” series, kids will discover what kinds of gifts those are, starting with the fact that everyone has special gifts! Then they will see how God can use those gifts to help others, among those gifts being special blessings from God, as well. Our gifts help us care about what God cares about, by focusing on heavenly things, and we can trust God with our gifts when we offer it up cheerfully!”

Click HERE to watch this week’s video.


January 9: “God uses my gifts to help others.”

The Body of Christ: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Memory Verse: 

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.” 1 Peter 4:10

Experience this lesson through family worship:

Activity 1: The Big Picture

* INSTRUCTIONS: Lay out a piece of butcher paper large enough to draw an outline of each family member. Use markers to add details to the outline, such as eyes, eyelashes, ears, a nose, hair, etc. This is a team effort!

* “Each of you used what you had to help create the big picture! God gave everyone different gifts. But that doesn't mean that my gift is better than yours. Your gift is not better than your friends. Every gift is good and important! The Bible tells us to look at our own body. Our bodies are made up of many different parts! See bible text 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Activity 2: Sketch a Scene

* INSTRUCTIONS: Give each family member a paper with a hand-drawn picture frame on it. Encourage the each person to think about a time when someone else helped them. Maybe it was their mom or dad, a brother or sister, a friend, or a teacher. Tell them to draw a picture to show how someone else helped them.

* God uses our gifts to help others, and God also uses other people’s gifts to help us.

* Remember how we are all parts of the same body? We all need each other. God made us to work together and help each other.