10.23 Family Experience Resources

Road Trip: Week 4


Have you ever been on a road trip? When we think of road trips, we might think of gas station snacks, singing along to our favorite songs, and taking in the sights — but when the Israelites went on a "road trip" of their own through the wilderness, it was a little less glamorous. Okay, it was a lot less glamorous. In this series, we'll introduce our families and kids to some of God's "rules of the road," from Moses and the ten commandments all the way to what Jesus called the Greatest Commandment — to love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Together, we'll discover that we can love God and others by putting God first, worshiping God, loving our families, and loving everyone.


"Love the Lord your God will all your heart and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27
Click HERE to watch our memory verse video for this month!

We obey God by loving everyone

READ: The Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Commandments:Exodus 20:15-17; Romans 13:8-10; (I Thessalonians 2:7-8)


Preschool: Bible Story

Elementary: Bible story

SONG: Give it Away


Today, our bible story tells us how important it is that we love all people everywhere. What does that mean to you, to love everyone?

Give your kiddos crayons, colored pencils, or markers and scissors and encourage them to make road signs that help them answer the statement: “Loving everyone means __________.” Talk with them as they work and about how they answered the statement. There are so many great ways to love people!

See our CCP Families Facebook page to participate in our "loving our community" project. 

COLORING: coloring page


Read Exodus 20:15-17 together

Then tell the following story using toy cars, place them on the ground, back-to-back, each time "Travis lies, steals, or covets." Then ask your kiddos what Travis should do to fix his situation, and start reversing the cars out of the “jam.”

"There once was this kid named Travis. One day, as he was walking out of school, he found this really cool toy on the ground that he’s always wanted.

He knew he should take it to the lost-and-found, but he really, really wanted it. [Place a car.] And it looked brand new. So he picked it up and put it in his backpack. [Place a car.] As soon as he got home, he showed his little brother the cool toy. When his brother asked where he got it, he told him, he said someone gave it to him. [Place a car.] His little brother told his parents, and his parents asked Travis who had given it to him. So Travis said it was their neighbor, Dee. [Place a car.] Travis’ parents say they should go to Dee’s house to make sure that it’s okay that Dee gave away such a nice toy. Travis tries to convince his parents that they know about it already and they don’t need to ask. [Place a car.] Travis then calls Dee and asks her to say that she gave him the toy. [Place a car.] Then one of Travis’ classmates, Young, calls Travis’ house and asks if Travis saw a toy he lost today – the exact same one Travis brought home. Oh no. Travis is in quite the traffic jam! What can Travis do to make things right?"

Make it clear that we can obey God by loving others and doing the right thing.


"Dear God, Help us to love others enough to respect their things, to tell the truth, and be happy for the good things they have. Teach us each day to show our love for You through our love for others. Amen"


What is commandment number eight?

What is the ninth commandment? What does it mean?

What does it mean to 'covet?' Why is that not a good thing?

Re-read Romans 13:8-10. What does it mean to "love your neighbor as yourself?"

Why do you think God gave us the Ten Commandments?

Do you find it easy or hard to love everyone? What makes it easy? What makes it hard?

How would keeping commandments eight, nine, and ten help us love others?