10.16 Family Experience Resources

Road Trip: Week 3


Have you ever been on a road trip? When we think of road trips, we might think of gas station snacks, singing along to our favorite songs, and taking in the sights — but when the Israelites went on a "road trip" of their own through the wilderness, it was a little less glamorous. Okay, it was a lot less glamorous. In this series, we'll introduce our families and kids to some of God's "rules of the road," from Moses and the ten commandments all the way to what Jesus called the Greatest Commandment — to love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Together, we'll discover that we can love God and others by putting God first, worshiping God, loving our families, and loving everyone.


"Love the Lord your God will all your heart and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27
Click HERE to watch our memory verse video for this month!

We obey God by loving our families

READ: The Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Commandments: Exodus 20:12-14; Matthew 5:21-24; (I Thessalonians 1:2-7)


Preschool: Bible Story

Elementary: Bible story

SONG: Give it Away


Family I.D.

Even though our lives at home may look different from someone else’s, your family, whatever it looks like, is who God has chosen to put in your lives. Our families help make us into the people we are supposed to be.

Give your kids a sheet of paper and access to an ink pad. Tell them to draw their perfect road trip vehicle, helping them as needed. Encourage them to be creative and invent their own, if they want to. Tell them to use their thumbprints to make each member of their/your family, including their pets, inside their vehicle. Tell them to draw faces and hair for each person/pet.

Encourage the kids to decorate it. Then, they can add their thumbprints as the wheels. These are some unique vehicles! Those thumbprints remind us that we are each different, but all one family of God!

COLORING: coloring page


There are so many ways to love our families, but one way is to share a meal together! There are a lot of yummy foods we can make to eat. Make a list of meals your family loves to eat and choose one.

As a family, plan a special time you can prepare a meal and enjoy it altogether! If you have young children, let them watch or play worship music while they learn by watching or feeling vaious textures of foods.

Explain that sharing and enjoying the company of our family is one way we show how much we love God and are grateful for his blessing of FAMILY.


"Dear God, thank You for each person in our family. Help us to love each person by using kind words to them and doing kind things for them. Help us to remember that when we show love to our families, we are showing our love for You! Amen."


What commandments did we hear about today?

Who are these commandments telling us to show love to?

What reason does the Bible give us for honoring our parents?

Re-read I Thessalonians 1:3 aloud. Who in your family has been a good example of showing love? How have they done that?

What makes ithard to show honor and respect to your parents?

What are some things God would want us to do when someone upsets us?

Why is it important to keep your promises?