Road Trip: Week 2
Have you ever been on a road trip? When we think of road trips, we might think of gas station snacks, singing along to our favorite songs, and taking in the sights — but when the Israelites went on a "road trip" of their own through the wilderness, it was a little less glamorous. Okay, it was a lot less glamorous. In this series, we'll introduce our families and kids to some of God's "rules of the road," from Moses and the ten commandments all the way to what Jesus called the Greatest Commandment — to love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Together, we'll discover that we can love God and others by putting God first, worshiping God, loving our families, and loving everyone.
"Love the Lord your God will all your heart and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27
Click HERE to watch our memory verse video for this month!
We obey God by worshiping God
READ: The Third and Fourth Commandments: Exodus 20:7-11; 32:1-14; (Philippians 4:8-9)
Preshool: Bible Story
Elementary: Bible story
SONG: Give it Away
Pretzel Churches
Give your kiddos some pretzel sticks. Encourage them to use the pretzel sticks to make an outline of a church- Use icing or peanut butter to stick the pretzel sticks to a plate.
What are some of your favorite things to do at church?
What other things does your family do on church days?
Do you have any favorite songs you like to sing at church?
COLORING: coloring page
Talk with your kids about why they chose their favorite places to go on a road trip. Then have them draw their favorite places on paper. You can also add road lines and let them drive small cars on the page once it’s completed.
More than any other day of the week, Sabbath is a day when many families have more time to slow down and spend time together! They may even consider Saturday as their day set aside for worshipping God and resting. On today’s stop on our pretend road trip we learn the third and fourth commandments. Read Exodus 20:7-11; The third commandment tells us not to use God’s name in the wrong way. The fourth commandment tells us to keep the Sabbath day holy, which means to set aside a day, like today, for worshiping God and resting!
Both of these commandments help us remember that we can worship God in so many ways, by singing, dancing, praying, treating God with love and kindness, reading the Bible, obeying what God says, and of course, taking a day to slow down, and rest.
"Dear God, Help us to obey You by worshiping You. Help us to show love and kindness to You in the way we talk about You. Also, remind us to take time to rest from everything else we do so that we can spend more time with You. Thank You for loving us! Amen."
What is the third commandment?
What is the fourth commandment?
What do these commandments tell us about worshipping God?
Re-read Exodus 20:7-11 aloud. What are some ways you can "keep the Sabbath holy?"
Why do we worship God?
Why do you think it's important to set aside a day for God?
What are some ways you worship God?