5.1 Family Experience Resources


The Holy Spirit helps us want to know God.
Watch this week’s video

READ: Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch: Acts 8:26-40; (John 15:1-8)

MEMORY VERSE: Romans 8:14
"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God."

There is a legacy waiting, for every family everywhere. The legacy has been handed down like a valuable family heirloom and this month you’ll get to tell your kids about what that legacy is! The Holy Spirit is the legacy that Jesus gives to every person who believes. The Holy Spirit is for everyone and helps us so much. The Holy spirit helps us know God, love everyone, do God’s work, and makes us a part of God’s family.

Find this week’s resources below or through the GROW APP! To find out more about how to access the app, click HERE.

We invite you to visit us on our Canyon Creek Project YouTube channel or FaceBook live for Family Experience every Saturday morning at 11AM.

Week 1 Resources

The Holy Spirit helps us want to know God.


"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God." Romans 8:14


Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch: Acts 8:26-40; (John 15:1-8)




Use a piece of heavy craft paper and draw a vine on it. Let your kiddos decorate the vine by stamping vegetables like this; https://craftulate.com/vegetable-stamping/ , in a variety of acrylic paint colors. Write or have your kiddos trace John 15:1-8.





You will need a piece of paper for each family member and some colored pencils. Explain how the Holy Spirit impacts every part of our lives. Sometimes, we don't even notice it.

  • First, draw a line all the way across your paper. Make three dots on the line.

    1. Over the first dot, draw a picture of the person who invited or brought you to your church family. That happened in the past.

    2. Under the second dot, draw a picture of yourself, where you are right now (home, the car, the library, etc).

    3. Over the third dot draw a picture of someone you know who you can invite to church. That will happen in the future.

Now, we have the past, present, and future. Go back and draw one big heart over all three pictures. Explain God's Holy Spirit directs our lives and connects the past to the present, and the present to the future.

Pray:  "Dear God, thank you for knowing us so well. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to help us so people can know you better. Thank you for loving us! Amen."


  • What did the Holy Spirit tell Philip to do?

  • Who did Philip meet on the desert road?

  • What did Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch talk about?

  • Read Romans 15:13. How does this verse encourage us?

  • What does the Holy Spirit do for us?

  • What are some things you know about God already?

  • What are some things you want to know more about?