The Holy Spirit Helps us love everyone
Watch this week’s video
READ: More People Believe in Jesus: Acts 10:44-48; (I John 5:1-6)
MEMORY VERSE: Romans 8:14
"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God."
There is a legacy waiting, for every family everywhere. The legacy has been handed down like a valuable family heirloom and this month you’ll get to tell your kids about what that legacy is! The Holy Spirit is the legacy that Jesus gives to every person who believes. The Holy Spirit is for everyone and helps us so much. The Holy spirit helps us know God, love everyone, do God’s work, and makes us a part of God’s family.
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Week 2 Resources
The Holy Spirit helps us love everyone.
"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God." Romans 8:14
More People Believe in Jesus: Acts 10:44-48; (I John 5:1-6)
We're learning that the Holy Spirit helps us to know God. When we know God, we know that God wants us to treat others with kindness. And that's where the Holy Spirit comes in . . . to help us love everyone! It's not enough to just say you love someone. Love is an action. How we can actually show love?
Use four large sticky notes or sheets of construction paper to make a train. One paper should be the engine, labeled "Holy Spirit." The other three papers are the railroad cars behind the engine, labeled, "family," "friends," and "others." Give each family member three regular sticky notes and write or draw ways to show love to the people in each category. Have each family member stick their responses on each of the railroad cars.
How can we show love to our families? (e.g., Help with dishes or laundry, put away toys, write thank you cards.)
How can we show love to our friends? (e.g., Share toys, carry books, help with schoolwork, remember their birthdays.)
How can we show love to other people we know but who aren't our friends? (e.g., Include them in games, invite them to sit with you at lunch, stand up for them.)
Pray: "Dear God, help us see people the way you see them, so we can love the way you love. We pray the Holy Spirit will help us every day to love others even if they are different from me. Amen."
What made Cornelius different from Peter?
How did Peter find out that God loves everyone, even if they are different?
How can we receive the Holy Spirit?
Read I John 5:1. Do you think it is possible to love God but not love God's children?
How has God shown you love?
Who is someone who is really different from you?
How can you show them love this week?