The Holy Spirit Helps us do God’s Work
Watch this week’s video
READ: A New Apostle is Chosen: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; (I John 5:9-13)
MEMORY VERSE: Romans 8:14
"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God."
There is a legacy waiting, for every family everywhere. The legacy has been handed down like a valuable family heirloom and this month you’ll get to tell your kids about what that legacy is! The Holy Spirit is the legacy that Jesus gives to every person who believes. The Holy Spirit is for everyone and helps us so much. The Holy spirit helps us know God, love everyone, do God’s work, and makes us a part of God’s family.
Find this week’s resources below or through the GROW APP! To find out more about how to access the app, click HERE.
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Week 3 Resources
The Holy Spirit helps us do God's work.
"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God." Romans 8:14
A New Apostle is Chosen: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; (I John 5:9-13)
Use this craft idea to write "secret messages" to friends, family, classmates, and/or teachers to share God's love with someone. https://toddlerapproved.com/2016/01/secret-kindness-notes.html
COLORING: https://ministry-to-children.com/love-coloring-page-fruit-of-the-spirit/
Give each family member a sheet of colored construction paper and draw 2 large circular gears and cut them out. In this first gear, have each family member write one thing (or cut our a picture from a magazine and paste in the gear) that they could do for God when they're older. Inside the second gear, have them write one thing (or cut out a picture from a magazine and paste in the gear) they could do for God this week. Hang your gears so that theyre interlocking. When you see them they will remind you that the Holy Spirit helps us to do God's work now AND in the future!
Explain, the Holy Spirit helps us do God's work. Think about yourself in the future — if you knew you could do one thing for God when you grow up, what would you want to do? Maybe you would . . .
Care for people who are sick.
Be a part of a group that helps orphans find families.
Become a teacher.
Take care of parks and other outdoor spaces.
Be a first responder.
Become a mom or a dad.
Help people who don't have permanent homes.
Listen to people who are hurting.
Invent a solution for a big problem.
Say; "But wait – we don't have to wait until the future to do God's work. What is one thing you can do for God right now?"
Explain; The Holy Spirit gives us all our own unique gifts and abilities. To do something big for God, we don't have to be a pastor or have the entire Bible memorized. We can all do God's work in whatever we do, especially since the Holy Spirit helps us every step of the way!
Pray: "Dear God, help us to remember that because we have the Holy Spirit with us, we can do your work even if it seems hard to do. Amen."
Why did the disciples need to pick a new member for their team?
How did the disciples decide who to choose and what was his name?
Who helps us do God's work?
According to I John 5:12-13, who can have eternal life?
How can you help a friend find Jesus?
What stops you from being coached by the Holy Spirit?
How can you allow Jesus to coach you?