The Holy Spirit is for everyone
Watch this week’s video
READ: The Holy Spirit Appears at Pentecost: Acts 2:1-21; (Matthew 5:15-16)
MEMORY VERSE: Romans 8:14
"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God."
There is a legacy waiting, for every family everywhere. The legacy has been handed down like a valuable family heirloom and this month you’ll get to tell your kids about what that legacy is! The Holy Spirit is the legacy that Jesus gives to every person who believes. The Holy Spirit is for everyone and helps us so much. The Holy spirit helps us know God, love everyone, do God’s work, and makes us a part of God’s family.
Find this week’s resources below or through the GROW APP! To find out more about how to access the app, click HERE.
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Week 4 Resources
The Holy Spirit is for everyone.
"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God." Romans 8:14
The Holy Spirit Appears at Pentecost: Acts 2:1-21; (Psalm 139:7-10)
Show your families this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HbFeXsA6Ho, of the most iconic landmarks around the world. Write down all the places from the video on a sheet of paper. Ask each of your family which of these places they would most want to go and tally the responses.
Explain that each of these places around the world are so cool. What makes the world even more special than all of these landmarks is the people! Each one of us is different. We look different, we speak different languages, and we have a variety of cultures. But even though we are so different, there is one thing we have in common: God loves us. And God has provided a way for all of us to love God back. The Holy Spirit is for everyone!
Pray: "Dear God, we are so grateful that your love includes all of us. Thank you for choosing to give everyone your Holy Spirit. Amen."
Where were the disciples when the Holy Spirit appeared?
What happened when the people were filled with the Holy Spirit?
What did people think about the disciples when they heard them speaking their own languages?
Re-read Psalm 139:7-10. Where is the Holy Spirit?
If you could learn to speak another language, what would it be?
How does knowing that the Holy Spirit is for everyone affect how you treat others?
What is one way the Holy Spirit can change you?