The Holy Spirit makes us a part of God’s family
Watch this week’s video
READ: Life in the Spirit: Romans 8:12-17; (John 3:5-7)
MEMORY VERSE: Romans 8:14
"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God."
There is a legacy waiting, for every family everywhere. The legacy has been handed down like a valuable family heirloom and this month you’ll get to tell your kids about what that legacy is! The Holy Spirit is the legacy that Jesus gives to every person who believes. The Holy Spirit is for everyone and helps us so much. The Holy spirit helps us know God, love everyone, do God’s work, and makes us a part of God’s family.
Find this week’s resources below or through the GROW APP! To find out more about how to access the app, click HERE.
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Week 5 Resources
The Holy Spirit makes us a part of God's family.
"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God." Romans 8:14
Life in the Spirit: Romans 8:12-17; (John 3:5-7)
Draw a tree on a piece of poster board or sheet of paper and hang it up. Ask your family to think of someone in their life who is a part of God’s family — not necessarily their own —who has shown them what faith looks like. Encourage them to write that person’s name or draw them on the Faith Family Tree.
Explain; Our lesson series this month has been called, “Legacy.” Explain to your chidlren what a legacy is. The Holy Spirit is the legacy that Jesus gives us. Our journey with God doesn’t happen alone. God has given us people — parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, friends, and your leaders here at church who show us what it means to follow Jesus.
Pray with your family and thank God for our church family for showing us that we are a part of God’s family.
Pray: "Dear God, thank you for the legacy you gave to us . . . the Holy Spirit. Thank you for making us a part of YOUR family. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for showing us how to live like members of God’s family. Amen."
What good news did Paul give the Romans?
How can we be children of God?
How do God's children live?
Think about our memory verse this month. How do we know who God's children are?
What is your favorite part about belonging to God's family?
How can you show others you are part of God's family?
How can you invite others into God's family?