Everyone can be a leader!
Watch this week’s video
READ: Deborah: Judges 4; (Psalm 130)
MEMORY VERSE: "And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
Leaders take the lead. Like a drum major leading a marching band or the grand marshal at a parade, leaders are out in front showing others the way. Legendary leaders of the Bible like Deborah, Gideon, Samson, and Ruth will help our kiddos see what leadership looks like and how they can become great leaders too. Young leaders will grow this month learning that "God gives me courage to lead", "helps me learn from mistakes", and "gives me leaders I can follow." Everyone can be a leader, let’s take the lead together.
Find this week’s resources below or through the GROW APP! To find out more about how to access the app, click HERE.
We invite you to visit us on our Canyon Creek Project YouTube channel or FaceBook live for Family Experience every Saturday morning at 11AM.
Week 1 Resources:
READ: Deborah: Judges 4; (Psalm 130)
SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn1QKn-Oce8
Reference a chart like this one to see what kinds of animals you can make using handprints. Lay out multiple sheets of paper (taped together like a banner) and finger paints on plates. Let kiddos dip their hand in paint and put their handprint on the paper. Make sure all the handprints are lined up (like a parade). Once the paint dries a little, help kids turn their handprints into an animal of their choosing.
All of these animals are different because all of your handprints are different! But that's why God thinks each of you are special.
Every single one of us, as different as we are, can do something for God. Everyone can be a leader!
COLORING: https://netart.us/deborah-the-bible-heroes-coloring-page/
Makings of a Leader
Use paper, scissors, tape, and markers/crayons to make a simple banner with mutiple large circles drawn throughout. In the circles, have each person write positive words that describe themselves or another family member.
This weeks Big Idea is that everyone can be a leader. That means everyone in our family can lead in some way. Not everyone is meant to lead in the same way, but God made us all to be leaders in some way. Take your banner and put it up somewhere in your home to remind you that your family can lead too!
Pray: Dear God, thank you for showing us that being a leader doesn't mean we have to fit into any box or category. Help us to lead in places that we can by listening to you and doing what is right. Give us opportunities to be the kind of leader that leads others to the ultimate leader – you! Amen.
Why did Israel have judges?
What message from God did Deborah tell Barak?
How was the commander from Canaan defeated?
Read Psalm 130:3-4. How can you tell from today's Bible story that God forgives?
In your own words, what is a leader?
Do you like being a leader? Why or why not?
Can you think of some ways God might want you to be a leader?