6.12 Family Experience Resources

God Gives Me Courage to Lead!
Watch this week’s video

READ: Gideon: Judges 7; (Psalm 20)

MEMORY VERSE: "And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

Leaders take the lead. Like a drum major leading a marching band or the grand marshal at a parade, leaders are out in front showing others the way. Legendary leaders of the Bible like Deborah, Gideon, Samson, and Ruth will help our kiddos see what leadership looks like and how they can become great leaders too. Young leaders will grow this month learning that "God gives me courage to lead", "helps me learn from mistakes", and "gives me leaders I can follow." Everyone can be a leader, let’s take the lead together.

Find this week’s resources below or through the GROW APP! To find out more about how to access the app, click HERE.

We invite you to visit us on our Canyon Creek Project YouTube channel or FaceBook live for Family Experience every Saturday morning at 11AM.

Week 2 Resources:

God gives me courage to lead

MEMORY VERSE: "And what does the Lord require of you? To act ustly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

READ: Gideon: Judges 7; (Psalm 20)

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn1QKn-Oce8


Torches of Courage

What did Gideon and his army use to defeat the enemy?

Make torches so your kiddos can pretend they're part of Gideon's army!

INSTRUCTIONS: Use paper (either white or colored) to roll up and tape like a "cotton candy cone" and decorate the cone with stickers or glitter glue. Lay on top of each other three pieces of tissue paper — one red, one yellow, and one orange — at varying angles. Gather the tissue paper at the center and stuff them into a cone to "light" the torch. 

Let the torch remind your family that incredible things can happen when you trust God. God gives me courage to lead.

COLORING: https://sundayschoolzone.com/activity/god-gave-gideon-courage-color-by-number/view/


Ask your family, did you know some of the first parades were held on boats? That might be they're called parade "floats" . . . because there was a time when floats literally floated!

Use a sheet of paper to write down some of your kiddos fears. Next, show your kiddos how to fold the paper into a boat (see instructions here). Then, tell them to place their boat in the water (your sink or bathtub).

Now, just because we put our fear boats in the water, it doesn't mean our fears automatically disappear. But this is a good way for us to remember that no matter what we are afraid of, God will give us courage to float them away when we ask.

Pray: Dear God, there are many times when we are afraid, especially when we need to be leaders. Help us not to be scared during those times. Help us to trust that you will keep us safe, and that you will give us courage to lead. Amen.


What kind of soldiers did God tell Gideon to keep?

Why do you think God wanted Gideon to fight the Midianites with a small army rather than a large one?

Which "weapons" did Gideon and his army use to defeat the enemy?

Read Psalm 20:7-9. Why are we able to "rise up and stand firm?"

What does courage look like to you? How can you tell if someone has it?

In what areas of your life do you think you need more courage?

Can you think of one way God might be nudging you to take the lead?