UNUSUAL WEEK 1 - God uses unlikely people!
READ: David Becomes King: I Samuel 16:1-13; II Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10; (II Corinthians 12:9-10)
MEMORY VERSE: "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways' Declares the Lord." Isaiah 55:8
Unusual animals are interesting and unique, just like King David’s story. It was unusual for David to become a king, and he didn’t always get things right, but his story teaches us that, God uses unlikely people, and gives unexplainable joy. Our families will get to know an unchangeable God who does unexpected things.
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Week 1 Resources
READ: David Becomes King: I Samuel 16:1-13; II Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10; (II Corinthians 12:9-10)
SONG: God is for Me
SPECIAL OIL; Let your kiddos pour oil, water, and food coloring into a water bottle using a funnel. Seal the top with duct tape or hot glue.
Explain; This bottle has oil in it. You can see it moving in the water bottle. In the Bible, Samuel used special oil to show that David would be the next king.
Ask what does “unusual” means? Unusual means something that you
might not really expect, something uncommon or unique! Let’s play some charades in a very unusual way!
Write down animals on index cards (for example; pig, cow, sheep, fish, lion, snake, whale frog, rooster, bee, dog, cat owl, monkey, wolf, duck, etc). They have to hold the card up to their forehead so everyone can see, and the entire group has to make the noise that animal makes. Let the volunteer guess what animal it is! Afterward, show them parts of this video of unusual sounds some animals make!
Isn’t it cool to hear all the sounds different animals can make? You wouldn’t think that some animals can make the noise they do based on how they look – did you hear how cute those enormous rhinos can sound? It’s unlikely, but it’s true!
David didn’t look like much, but God chose him to become king. We might not seem like we can do anything big, but don’t forget – God uses unlikely people all the time!
Share a story of a time that you felt judged prematurely, and then open it up for your family members to share also, maybe they remember being judged on their outward appearance or their age or gender or ability.
Explain; "we all experience being judged unfairly based on what people think they can tell about us from the outside. We all make mistakes and judge other people unfairly. Even Samuel did that, and he was one of God’s special messengers! But remember what God said to Samuel when he did that? God
looks at people’s hearts! No one knows what’s in people’s hearts . . . only God can. No matter what any of us look like on the outside, what matters to God is what’s on the inside. That’s how God uses unlikely people to do great things!"
Read I Samuel 16:1-13 and II Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10 as a family. and reflect on David's story.
"Dear God, thank you for making us all unique! You have placed something special in each and every one of us. Forgive us for not seeing that in one another as we should. Help us to love our friends the way you love them and not judge those around us based on their outward appearance. We know you can do amazing things in unlikely ways. Amen."
Why did Samuel immediately assume that Jesse's oldest son was the one whom God had chosen?
What did God tell Samuel about all of Jesse's sons?
Why did Jesse not call David into the house in the beginning?
Read II Corinthians 12:9-10. This verse says that we should be okay with our weaknesses. Why do you think that is?
What does it mean when we say God uses unlikely people?
What are some things we can do to see people for their hearts the way God does?
How can we have the kind of heart God looks for?