God gives unexplainable joy!
Watch this week’s video
READ: David Dances Before the Ark: II Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19; (I Peter 1:8-9)
MEMORY VERSE: "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways' Declares the Lord." Isaiah 55:8
Unusual animals are interesting and unique, just like King David’s story. It was unusual for David to become a king, and he didn’t always get things right, but his story teaches us that, God uses unlikely people, and gives unexplainable joy. Our families will get to know an unchangeable God who does unexpected things.
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Week 2 Resources
READ: David Dances Before the Ark: II Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19; (I Peter 1:8-8)
SONG: God is for Me
Get cards from games like “Don’t Say It” or “Taboo.” You can also use an online generator (like this). Play game as a family. The objective
is to get the players to guess the main word on their card without saying words on the forbidden list.
Explain; Wasn’t it challenging to explain some of these words without saying the forbidden words? Sometimes it’s really difficult to explain things. Like . . . the color blue. How would you explain the color blue, without using the world, “color”? But just because something is unexplainable, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. God may, at times, give us something that is difficult to explain, but it’s very real!
Explain; Have you ever been so happy about something that you just didn’t know what to do with yourself? I mean really happy. I mean really, really happy. So happy, that you felt it bubbling up and bursting out? How did you respond to all that happiness? So, what do you think is the difference between happiness and joy? Happiness is tied to a circumstance, maybe an event or an object or a person. Joy is not connected to just one thing or person. Joy is an attitude we can have in our hearts no matter
what is happening around us. True joy comes from God! Read
II Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19; Knowing that God was near filled David with joy.
" Dear God, we live in a world where we are always fighting to be happy. Thank you for reminding us today that true joy is not found in the things we have, but in the God we serve. Thank you for filling us with unexplainable joy. Help us to spread that joy to those around us who so desperately need it. Amen."
What did David summon his troops to get?
Why was the Ark of the Covenant so important to David?
How did David respond when the ark finally arrived in the city?
Read I Peter 1:8-9. Do we need to be able to see God in order to feel the love of God?
What makes you happy?
What is the difference between happiness and joy?
How can we get unexplainable joy?