God does unexpected things!
Watch this week’s video
READ: God's Promise to David: II Samuel 7:1-4a; (Psalm 89:20-37)
MEMORY VERSE: "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways' Declares the Lord." Isaiah 55:8
Unusual animals are interesting and unique, just like King David’s story. It was unusual for David to become a king, and he didn’t always get things right, but his story teaches us that, God uses unlikely people, and gives unexplainable joy. Our families will get to know an unchangeable God who does unexpected things.
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Week 3 Resources
READ: God's Promise to David: II Samuel 7:1-4a; (Psalm 89:20-37)
SONG: God is for Me
Lay out six plastic cups upside down and tell your family they are going to have to make a beehive (i.e., stack the cups like a pyramid), but there’s a
catch – they’re bees, so they can’t use their hands! They can only use the tool provided: a rubber band with 3 or 4 long strings attached to it. Let kids figure out how they’re going to use the tool to stack the cups. If you have younger children have them stack them use their hands to stack the cups.
In this week’s Bible story, we’re going to hear more about King David, and something that he wanted to build.
Read; II Samuel 7:1-4a; (Psalm 89:20-37).
Ask your family; How does it feel to get an unexpected gift? Have every family member name a time when they got something they didn't expect.
Askl have you ever really wanted a specific gift for your birthday, and ended up getting something totally different . . . but the thing you got was even better than what you wanted? Didn’t it feel great to get that unexpected gift?
Can you imagine that’s how David might've felt after he received those amazing promises from God. God surprised David with the unexpected and you know what? God will surprise us with the unexpected, too, and sometimes, it will be even better than what we imagined. Remember that God’s plans, God’s purposes, and God’s power are so much bigger than what our wants and desires are. Our God does unexpected things!
"Dear God, thank you for the promise you made to David, which was far better than what he had in mind. We are thankful that your promise includes all of us. Help us to remember that when you do unexpected things, you show us you love us and have the very best in store for us! Amen."
What did David want to do for God?
How was God's plan different from David's?
What did God promise David?
Read Psalm 89:29. What do you think this means about making David's "line" last forever? Do you think God had a purpose for more than just David? If so, what do you think that purpose is?
What does God keeping the promise to David mean for us?
Why is it important that we not put a limit on what God can do?
When has God done the unexpected in your life?