God's love is unchangeable!
Watch this week’s video
READ: David and Bathsheba: II Samuel 11:1-15; (Psalm 51)
MEMORY VERSE: "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways' Declares the Lord." Isaiah 55:8
Unusual animals are interesting and unique, just like King David’s story. It was unusual for David to become a king, and he didn’t always get things right, but his story teaches us that, God uses unlikely people, and gives unexplainable joy. Our families will get to know an unchangeable God who does unexpected things.
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Week 4 Resources
READ: David and Bathsheba: II Samuel 11:1-15; (Psalm 51)
SONG: God is for Me
Gather two sets of wacky clothes. Have 2 family members race to see who can put on the clothes the fastest. To make this game more difficult use a balloon. Have family members donn clothing while keeping a balloon in the air, the way a sea lion does with a rubber ball. Repeat as many times as you want giving each family member a try. Explain; We had to do a lot of changing in that game . . . literally! Today, we are going to hear about something that is truly unchangeable!"
Use a screen to show three, classic optical illusions: duck or a bunny, two faces or one vase, young or old woman.
Have your family call out what they see. This will be a lot of fun because different people will see different images. Reveal that both interpretations are correct. Like these images, there are times when you face a situation where the way you see it is completely different than someone else does.
Explain; God doesn’t only care about the wrong things we do, but also how we respond when people do wrong things to us or around us.
Now, this doesn’t mean you should let people hurt you – you’re kids and it’s your trusted adults’ job to make sure you’re safe and healthy, so if someone is hurting you, always tell your parents or your teacher or your pastor or someone else you trust and they will help you talk out the big feelings. Never keep it to yourself if someone is really hurting you. God does want us to practice our forgiveness when our friends and siblings and even when our
parents do things that make us mad. Let’s try some scenarios and see how we might deal with them and how we can find it in our hearts to forgive people.
What if a friend was playing with your favorite toy and they broke it?
How about if there was only one juice box left and your brother took it without even offering it, even though he had the second-to-last one yesterday?
What if your mom promised that she’d take you to the playground this weekend, but she ended up having to go to work?
A lot of times, both sides are right. The best way to approach situations like these is try to understand the other person’s point of view and both offer and ask for forgiveness. The good news is that God is always there to forgive us! Unlike these images that do change, God is the same yesterday, today, and forever! God’s love is unchangeable!
"Dear God, your love is always there, even when we make mistakes. Your unchanging love helps me to be forgiven and to experience a new life. Thank you for giving us everything we need. Help us to be examples of your unchanging love. Amen"
Where was David supposed to be?
Why was it wrong for David to be in love with Bathsheba?
How did David try to cover up what he had done?
Re-read II Samuel 11:1. It can be dangerous when we're not where we're supposed to be. When have you found yourself in trouble because you were not where you were supposed to be or doing what you were supposed to do?
How do you respond when you see something you really want, but can't have?
What do you do after you've made a big mistake?
Why does God still love us after we've done wrong things?