7.31 Family Experience Resources


God promised to fix what was broken!

Watch this week’s video

READ: Creation and the Fall: Genesis 1:26-30, 3:1-15 (Psalm 145:8-9)

MEMORY VERSE: "Not one of all the Lord's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled." Joshua 21:45

When God first created the world, it was paradise! But it's not always easy for us to imagine a perfect world where nothing needs to be fixed — especially when we hear sad or scary news about the world we live in today. But even though the world today isn't exactly perfect, there's good news! Even though things sometimes go wrong, God's promises can always be trusted. As our families learn about famous figures from Genesis in this series, we will be reminded of God's faithfulness through the promises that were made to us, like God's promises to fix what was broken and to always show us mercy, and that, even though we might sometimes take time to be fulfilled, God keeps all promises – both the promises God made for now and the promises God made for later.  

Find this week’s resources below or through the GROW APP! To find out more about how to access the app, click HERE.

Visit us in person on Saturdays at 11am at Canyon Creek Project! Can’t make it in-person? Join us online on our Canyon Creek Project YouTube channel or FaceBook live. We can’t wait to worship with your family!

Week 1 Resources

READ: Creation and the FallGenesis 1:26-30, 3:1-15 (Psalm 145:8-9)

SONG: Never Let Go of Me


Creation Lei

Use cupcake liners, straws cut into pieces, and yarn.

Place containers of the liners and straw pieces around the room.

This month, our families will pretend to be on a paradise island as we talk about some of God’s promises. To get ready, let’s make some leis! In Hawaiian culture, a lei is sort of like a necklace given to someone as a symbol of friendship or appreciation.

Use a piece of yarn and string cupcake liners to be the flowers on

your lei. Use the straw pieces for in between the flowers. When you have enough flowers, tie the ends together and place the necklace around your neck.

We're wearing our leis to remind ourselves of all the wonderful things God has made!

COLORING: Creation


As a family, find news articles about brokenness in the world. Find

some related to pollution or climate change and others related to how humans relate to each other. 

Ask:  What is broken in this story? What do you think God will do to fix what is broken? What can we do to help?

Remember, God promised to fix what was broken, and we can help, too.

Read Genesis 1:26-30 and 3:1-15 together and talk about how God will restore our World once again. 


"Dear God, we know You keep Your promises. Thank You for promising to fix what is broken and helping us learn how to do the same. Amen."


  • What are some of the things God created?

  • Where were the first humans living?

  • What did the first humans do to disobey God?

  • Read Psalm 145:9. How does God show compassion to all of creation?

  • We have all done something to mess up the beauty of God’s creation. Can you think of something you have done?

  • What has God done to fix it?

  • What can we do to fix it?