God’s promises are for now and later!
Watch this week’s video
READ: God's Covenant with Abram: Genesis 12:1-3, 15:1-6 (Psalm 67)
MEMORY VERSE: "Not one of all the Lord's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled." Joshua 21:45
When God first created the world, it was paradise! But it's not always easy for us to imagine a perfect world where nothing needs to be fixed — especially when we hear sad or scary news about the world we live in today. But even though the world today isn't exactly perfect, there's good news! Even though things sometimes go wrong, God's promises can always be trusted. As our families learn about famous figures from Genesis in this series, we will be reminded of God's faithfulness through the promises that were made to us, like God's promises to fix what was broken and to always show us mercy, and that, even though we might sometimes take time to be fulfilled, God keeps all promises – both the promises God made for now and the promises God made for later.
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Visit us in person on Saturdays at 11am at Canyon Creek Project! Can’t make it in-person? Join us online on our Canyon Creek Project YouTube channel or FaceBook live. We can’t wait to worship with your family!
Week 3 Resources
READ: God's Covenant with Abram: Genesis 12:1-3, 15:1-6 (Psalm 67)
SONG: Never Let Go of Me
Star Blessings Craft
Let’s make a reminder to help you remember that God’s blessings are for now and for later. Use a styrofoam cup and show your kiddos how to paint the outside of their cup black. When it's dry, use a sharp pencil to poke holes all over the cup to make "stars." Have them put the cup over a battery-operated tea light or a flashlight to show off the stars.
COLORING: God's covenant with Abram
God’s promise to Abram is the beginning of a blessing for all people. It started with a call for one person to move from his home to a new place and start a family, and continued as a promise and blessing for all.
God’s promises are for now and for later!
What can you do to share God’s promise to all people? Come up with a few ways your family can share God's promise to your neighbors and people you interact with this week.
Read Psalm 67 as a prayer, with your families help. Every time you come across the word “us”, point to your kiddos and have them say, “US!” Every time you come to the word “You,” point upwards and have your kiddos say, “YOU!”
What did God tell Abram to do?
What did God promise Abram?
How many offspring did God promise to Abram?
Read Genesis 15:6. Abram believed God, though he had plenty of reasons to doubt. Do you sometimes find it hard to believe God?
Can you think of a promise from God that is for now?
Can you think of a promise from God that is for later?
How can we know more about God's promises?