God’s promises might take time.
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READ: Joseph's Dreams: Genesis 37:1-10 (Psalm 138:4-8)
MEMORY VERSE: "Not one of all the Lord's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled." Joshua 21:45
When God first created the world, it was paradise! But it's not always easy for us to imagine a perfect world where nothing needs to be fixed — especially when we hear sad or scary news about the world we live in today. But even though the world today isn't exactly perfect, there's good news! Even though things sometimes go wrong, God's promises can always be trusted. As our families learn about famous figures from Genesis in this series, we will be reminded of God's faithfulness through the promises that were made to us, like God's promises to fix what was broken and to always show us mercy, and that, even though we might sometimes take time to be fulfilled, God keeps all promises – both the promises God made for now and the promises God made for later.
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Week 4 Resources
READ: Joseph's Dreams: Genesis 37:1-10 (Psalm 138:4-8)
SONG: Never Let Go of Me
Green Eyed Monster
EXPLAIN: When someone feels unhappy when something good happens to someone else, we sometimes say that it’s because of the “green-eyed monster.” Joseph’s brothers had their own green-eyed monster come out when Joseph got special treatment from their father.
Why else were they mad at Joseph? (Because of his dreams.)
Joseph’s brothers didn’t act nicely because they were jealous. They didn’t make a wise choice.
But we can choose how we act toward someone when we are feeling jealous.
Has the green-eyed monster ever shown up in your life? Who have you been jealous of? Why?
INSTRUCTIONS: Give each family member a handful of green slime or play dough and some googly eyes to make a little green monster to represent the feeling of not being happy for someone when something good happens to them.
Has the green-eyed monster ever shown up in your life? Who have you been jealous of? Why?
COLORING: Joseph's Dreams
For each of these questions, have your kids sit if their answer is no and stand if their answer is yes. Everyone dreams at night, but we don’t always remember that. From the dreams you do remember. . .
Have you ever had a dream that you were falling?
Have you ever had a dream that something was chasing you?
Have you ever had a dream that you were flying?
Have you ever had a dream about yourself in the future?
We learn about Joseph who had dreams about what would happen in the future. In his case, those dreams would actually come true, but not right away.
Read Genesis 37:1-10 together.
Explain; Joseph’s dreams don’t seem very promising now, do they? The thing is, even though the circumstances looked like the opposite, God was looking out for Joseph, just waiting for the perfect moment for those dreams to be made true.
"God, even when things don’t look too promising, You promise to be with us and guide us through it all. Give us big dreams and help us to remember that those dreams may take some time to come true –and that’s okay! You know what’s best for us, so we will wait for You to show us."
Joseph’s dreams were about stalks of grain and about the sun, moon, and stars. What did everyone think that meant?
How did Joseph’s brothers feel about the dreams?
What did Joseph’s brothers do?
Read Psalm 136:7. Do you sometimes have trouble in your life? Do you feel God can support you when you have trouble?
If you were Joseph, what do you think you might have done if you were sold to the traders and taken to Egypt?
How do you think we can tell if our dreams for the future are our dreams or God’s plans?
What do we need to remember when things do not seem to be going well?