God keeps promises!
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READ: Joseph is Put in Charge: Genesis 40:1-41:40 (Psalm 26:1-3)
MEMORY VERSE: "Not one of all the Lord's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled." Joshua 21:45
When God first created the world, it was paradise! But it's not always easy for us to imagine a perfect world where nothing needs to be fixed — especially when we hear sad or scary news about the world we live in today. But even though the world today isn't exactly perfect, there's good news! Even though things sometimes go wrong, God's promises can always be trusted. As our families learn about famous figures from Genesis in this series, we will be reminded of God's faithfulness through the promises that were made to us, like God's promises to fix what was broken and to always show us mercy, and that, even though we might sometimes take time to be fulfilled, God keeps all promises – both the promises God made for now and the promises God made for later.
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Visit us in person on Saturdays at 11am at Canyon Creek Project! Can’t make it in-person? Join us online on our Canyon Creek Project YouTube channel or FaceBook live. We can’t wait to worship with your family!
Week 5 Resources
READ: Joseph is Put in Charge: Genesis 40:1-41:40 (Psalm 26:1-3)
SONG: Never Let Go of Me
Message in a Bottle
Write “God keeps promises.” on pieces of paper. Give the papers and crayons to your kiddos and tell them to decorate the pages. Show them how to roll them up and put them inside bottles.
Explain; "Sometimes, we are in the midst of trouble like Joseph was when he was in prison. We might not have as bad times as Joseph, but we might feel like we need something to give us hope. If we were trapped on a deserted island instead of an island paradise, we might put a message inside a bottle and put it out to sea so someone will come help us. When we feel like that, it helps to have a message of hope. These bottles will remind us that God keeps promises."
COLORING: Joseph is put in charge
Place a sign on your wall that says "God’s Promises." Give each family member a yellow and blue sticky notes and something to write with. As you give your family instructions, allow them to write their responses and post them on the wall under the sign.
Say, " Think about God’s promises in your life, in your family’s life, in the life of the church, or in the world. On the yellow sticky notes write promises that God has kept. Put them up on our wall of promises. Now, on your blue sticky notes write promises that have not come true yet. Remember that if God made those promises, God will keep those promises, too. Put your blue notes on the wall of promises as well."
"Dear God, thank You for keeping the promises You made. Help us to remember even when things seem difficult, You will keep Your promises. Teach us how to keep the promises we make, too, so we can be more like You."
What were Pharaoh’s dreams?
What did they mean?
What did he do about it?
Read Genesis 45:5. Joseph forgave his brothers. Why did he tell them not to be angry with themselves?
What are some of God’s promises?
Have you ever experienced a promise being kept?
What helps you remember that God keeps promises?