9.11 Family Experience Resources



An important part of childhood is learning which grown-ups you can trust. The very first phone number most kids tend to learn is an emergency number because it's important to know who to call when we need help! In this series, we'll help our kids see that they can always call on God for the things they need. As our kiddos hear the story of Israel escaping slavery in Egypt (and what happened afterward), they'll discover that God helps us when we're helpless, helps us in our weakness, helps us when we're in trouble, and will even help us help others. God is the help we need — always!

"My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:2
Memory Verse Video

Week 2: God helps us in our weakness

READ: God Calls Moses: Exodus 3:1-14, 4:1-17; (Psalm 103:6-13)


Preschool: Bible Story

Elementary: Bible Story

SONG: I am


Burning Bush Craft

Print this printable. Have your family to color it with

markers or crayons. Then, tell them to glue orange, yellow, and red tissue paper to make the fire on the bush.

Who was talking from the burning bush?

What did God ask Moses to do?

How did God help Moses?

God helped Moses in his weakness, and God helps you and me in our weakness, too.

COLORING: God calls Moses


The Help We Need; Explain to your families; "Moses didn’t think he was the one God should send to Egypt. He didn’t think he was good enough. He had a lot of reasons and excuses. Even when many years had passed and Moses was much older, Moses described himself as slow to speak and still didn’t believe he had what it took. None of this stopped God from loving and using Moses. 

Ask; What are some things people may think of as a weakness? (let your kiddos answer)

What are some of the things your friends think of as a weakness? 

God is always with us and never leaves us. God is with us even when we aren’t feeling the strongest. God helps us in our weakness. We saw in the Bible today that when we are weak, God proves to be strong!"

--> Next, pass out sticky notes to each family member. They can each use as many sticky notes as they’d like. Post the Big Idea (GOD HELPS US IN OUR WEAKNESS) prior to the activity somehwere easily seen. Write the

word “WEAKNESS” on a piece of butcher paper in block or bubble letters.

Think about something that makes you feel weak. Then, take the sticky note and write it down. Your family can use words or draw a picture. Some examples are, “not smart enough,” “not old enough,” “I don’t feel worthy,” “someone is bullying me,” “I don’t understand Math class,” etc.

Now, take your weakness sticky note and place it inside the word, “WEAKNESS.”

Remember when we are feeling weak, no matter what, God will help us. God helps us in our weakness.


"Dear God, thank You for reminding us that when we feel we aren’t worthy enough, good enough or strong enough, You are with us. Through You, we are good enough. You always help us and You love us. Amen."


Why did Moses run away from Egypt? 

How did God speak to Moses?

What did God ask Moses to do and why did Moses not want to do it?

Re-read Exodus 4:14-17. How did God help Moses in his weakness?

What do you think is your weakness? How do you think God can help you be strong even when you're feeling weak?

Is it easy or hard to ask for help? Why?

Do you ask God for help? Share a time when you have asked God to help you.