An important part of childhood is learning which grown-ups you can trust. The very first phone number most kids tend to learn is an emergency number because it's important to know who to call when we need help! In this series, we'll help our kids see that they can always call on God for the things they need. As our kiddos hear the story of Israel escaping slavery in Egypt (and what happened afterward), they'll discover that God helps us when we're helpless, helps us in our weakness, helps us when we're in trouble, and will even help us help others. God is the help we need — always!
"My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:2
Memory Verse Video
Week 3: God helps when we're in trouble
READ: The Plagues and the Passover: Exodus 7:14-10:29, 12:21-30; (Philippians 1:25-28)
Preschool: Bible Story
Elementary: Bible Story
SONG: I am
Say “Oh, no! We just got the news that a kitten is missing in the building. Who can help? Assign one family member a volunteer in a" firefighter hat" and tell them to wait outside. Hide a stuffed animal cat somewhere in the room. Ask the volunteer to search for the cat while everyone yells out different directions to help them discover where the cat is.
Say, "You saved the kitten! Wasn’t it easy to find because everyone was helping you? When we are in trouble, we need help from someone who actually knows how to help us!"
COLORING: the plagues and the passover
Read Exodus 7:14-10;29, 12:21-30
God helped the Israelites when they were in trouble. God helps you and me today when we are in trouble, too.
What are some ways God helps people today? [Some possible answers are: God comforts me when I’m sick, God helps me find my way when I’m lost, God gives me nice friends when I feel alone.
Yes, God helps us in so many ways! God sends other people to help us, God helps us through music, or reading our Bible. God helps us in answered prayers. God helps us in so many ways every day. God helps us when we’re in trouble.
Play this version of follow-the-leader style of prayer and aerobic stretches to ask God for help.
Say, "A “mayday” is a signal of distress . . . people send out this signal when they are in urgent need of help. Let’s call out some mayday prayer signals to God together!
When I say “mayday” and touch my toes, you pray: "God, help me when I’m in trouble!
When I say “mayday” and do a jumping jack you pray: "God, help others when they are in trouble!"
When I say “mayday” and spin around once, you pray: "God, thank you for helping us!"
That was a great prayer workout! Whenever you need help, talk to God. Don’t forget to ask God for help. God helps us when we are in trouble.
"God, thank You for reminding us that You are always with us and that You help us when we’re in trouble. Thank You for always helping us! Amen."
Why were the Israelites in trouble?
Who did God send to help the Israelites?
How many plagues did God send? Can you list some of them?
Read Exodus 12:26-28. What is the Passover? How did God use this to help and protect the Israelites?
Are there times kids like you might be in trouble? What are some examples?
Who are the people God might send to help you?
How could you help someone else in trouble?